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Who/Where is she?

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  • Who/Where is she?

    Hi Folks,

    I just stumbled on this forum and I have to say that it's the best thing I've seen in a loooooong time - an excellent corner of the interweb. Pat on the back for everyone all around, me thinks!

    Anyway, does anyone know who this lovely lady is? She's soooo hot. I'd love to get in contact with her, I mean wow!

    Hope I'm not breaking any protocols for asking or anything! cheers.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Bad attitude. Don't bother. (She works in Obsessions.)


    • #3
      Name is Angie, a couple of galleries are available in the members section.
      seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


      • #4

        Angie is one of the "superstars" of obsessions. There has been a whole discussion tread about her. I personally find Angie amazing both as personality and as body. I mean she looks very good and if you know how to talk to her she will be more than "happy" with you or anyone else. She likes compliments and sweet treatment... that's all her secret. She does not like to be treated like a bitch...

        This is my personal opinion drawn some time ago.

        Diablo Le Grec


        • #5
          (diablo80 @ Feb. 19 2007,19:55) Londonlad1974

          Angie is one of the "superstars" of obsessions. There has been a whole discussion tread about her. I personally find Angie amazing both as personality and as body. I mean she looks very good and if you know how to talk to her she will be more than "happy" with you or anyone else. She likes compliments and sweet treatment... that's all her secret. She does not like to be treated like a bitch...

          This is my personal opinion drawn some time ago.

          Diablo Le Grec  
          So why does she act like such a major one in the first place then?


          • #6
            Because unless you are prepared to massage her ego for a while in the bar, the attitude and service will beb bad.
            seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


            • #7

               you RULE...

              this is the correct answer:
              katoeylover · Posted on Feb. 20 2007,18:14
              Because unless you are prepared to massage her ego for a while in the bar, the attitude and service will beb bad
              Well you can ask me what is then the difference between women and Lbs... in this aspect NONE... Angie I repaet she is nice but she needs to be "worked out" as a girl in a disco... Warm her up, etc etc etc

              Diablo Le Grec


              • #8
                Sounds like too much work. I'm paying her to fuck, not act like my wife!


                • #9
                  If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


                  • #10
                    Clearly she's a girl who's created a fair amount of discussion! I might just have to pay her a visit on my next trip. At least to say hi and see how she takes it!

                    Thanks for the info though.

