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help me!

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  • help me!

    been living in pattaya for the last 5 months, have had some fun with some fairly good looking LB's but no stunning ones, every once in a while i will see some that should be on the cover of a magazine going by on a motorcycle or baht taxi (last week baht taxi filled w/10 lb's, 6 were stunning the other four very pretty, where were they going?, don't have a clue couldn't catch up with them.
    this morning, three riding on a motorcycle all heartbreakers riding in the opposite direction than me, made a qiuck u-turn but lost them)
    they are here why the hell can't i find them, i come across one here one there but i can't believe that there are not at least one or two places that have a whole group of ladyboys working at there club
    went to stringfellows the other night ,one kinda cute one that should be in a freddie kruger movie
    soi 6, hi boss has one cuties the rest just scare the crap out of me.
    could it be that the heartbreakers are working for the escort services, in the past this was not a problem, word of mouth always worked but the rules i think have changed, by the way none of the one i have seen work for tiffanys or alcazar i know that cast very well, since i am going back home soon never to return i would like to try one of the real pretty ones that work in this city, can anyone help

  • #2
    What kind of lbs do you like? (Or is that a stupid question?)  

    Your best bet is to get over to Bangkok where there are scores of 'pretty one's."


    • #3
      Hi Jasper,

      Hi Boss certainly isn't everyone's cup of tea.

      What about Jenny Star Bar and the general vicinity ?

      Nothing there of any interest ?

      Looks like you may have to get a quicker motorbike so they don't keep getting away !

      Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


      • #4
        thanks to the bothof you, t i have seen jennys star bar and the material is pretty nice but believe me what i seen this morning puts those at jennys star bar to shame, no bull here guys they were just outstanding, the issue is not about there existance but where the hell are they.
        over the years i thought i was plugged inreal well(no pun intended) but these last five months have been somewhat disappointing only because i see them if not on the baht taxi but on a motorcycle and can never catch them.
        maybe a quicker motorcycle might be the answer, thanks guys


        • #5
          Hi Jasper
          One place that is quite good around 4.30 PM onwards is the eating area which is to the extreme left in the Car Park of the Alcazar Show, not only can you get a superb freshly cooked Thai Meal but a lot of the Dancers go there for a snack in between rehersals and before the show.

          If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


          • #6
            Try Didi's on Soi 7 the next bar past Anna Jet Bar in direction of the ocean. Pretty Patty and Rose hang out there plus several more. They gon't get any prettier than Rose or Pretty Patty of Pattaya.

            From about midnight on you will find ladyboys lining Walking Street from one end to the other.

            After almost everything else closes you will find them hanging out in JP's Beer Bar in Soi Lucky Star. That is an alleyway across Walking Street from the Jenny Star Bar. Look for a Beer Bar called the 19th Hole (directly across the street from the Jenny Star Bar). The alleyway between it and the next beer bar going south is Soi Lucky Star.  

            On Walking Street near the mouth of that alleyway from about 11pm on you will find Emma, Amy, Boy, Whateverhernamethisweek, sitting on a stool with the Coyote A-go-go sign girls.

            There is nothing but bottom fishing to be had at Hi Boss. Hi Boss is the last stop for a ladyboy before she starts hanging out on the north end of Beach Road in the wee hours of the morning.


            • #7

              thanks jackg and big tell your assistance is much appreciated, the place mentioned next to alcazar is right down the street from me, (soi 4), sometimes on my way to big "c" i will see a few but have never approached them, i guess they didn't have that i'm available look on their face so i keep going, but i had the same thought
              jackg, you gave me some places i never heard about but i am going to try each one, i have been by didi's but obviously too early when there were only one or two working the bar, the other places you mentioned i haven't seen but again will give them a shot either tonight or tomorrow night, i have about seven weeks and i am out of here for good and i have some friends coming in about ten days and they have only one thing on their mind and thats ladyboys, i brought them here two years ago for there first ladyboy experience and that was it they have not stopped talking about it since,
              thanks again to the both of you, after these guys leave i will try and put a report together

