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Girl Called Honey?

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  • Girl Called Honey?


    I've seen a girl on the asiants website called Honey, and she looks like a dirty dirty girl! I don't think she's a post-op, I think she happens to be a girl who will do anything and anyone!!

    Anyone know who I'm talking about, what the story is, and where I might be able to find her?

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    I've seen a girl on the asiants website called Honey,
    Where on the site? Cut and paste the url into your post
    Mister Arse


    • #3
      Sorry - had the link in, but then deleted it. Realised it was for a competing website.

      She has done shoots with a LB called Heaven, if that helps.


      • #4
        Far as I know, the girl your talking about
        IS infact  a GG! But I could be wrong!
        If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


        • #5
          Honey is a GG and Heaven is a Ladyboy. The 2 of them will appear in the photo update on the 7th and the January 10th video update.

          Honey is a friend of mine and as a matter of fact I was just talking to her an hour ago... just wishing her a happy new year. She was all excited to tell me she received her new cage today.. yeah a cage for S&M training!
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Honey's new cage


            • #7
              She is one very hot gg and looks like she is up for absolutely anything. MN01 you are not alone in wanting contact details for Honey so if anyone out there has her contact details and is willing to share them, pm me plz and hopefully my holiday in feb will be a whole lot better if i can meet Honey.


              • #8
                Same same...
                So many Ladyboys so little time..


                • #9
                  Oh, you guys can meet her

                  she is definately 'available' and up for anything

                  and I mean anything!
                  Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                  -Dennis Miller


                  • #10
                    (buttafly @ Jan. 02 2007,19:23) Oh, you guys can meet her

                    she is definately 'available' and up for anything

                    and I mean anything!
                    Come on, tell us more...
                    So many Ladyboys so little time..

