(Stewart @ Dec. 24 2006,14:18) . After buying her a couple of drinks and chatting, I STILL did not believe......so barfine was in order and.......yep, I was wrong.
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Gif the post-op
Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
-Dennis Miller
(Stewart @ Dec. 24 2006,14:18)i popped in the other nightall but briefly looking for a friend who had gone MIA. I saw Gif at the entrance but did not notice any other Posties.... maybe us LB lovers are also getting fooled when we pop out for a GG.
I am not the most experienced in this scene by a long way, but I thought I knew something and could spot lb's pretty easily now.
Well, the last 2 nights in Voodoo have changed my mind. I went back to check on the girl that Gif said was a post-op, and the one that I point blank refused to believe was a lb. After buying her a couple of drinks and chatting, I STILL did not believe......so barfine was in order and.......yep, I was wrong.
Beautiful curves, no squareness in the hips that I notice on some girls, most feminine voice I have heard in a long time, very, very passable
That has shaken my self-belief a little, I can tell you!
I think that is the thing that turns me off on posties the most. While I love lb cocks that are big and hard, I'd not mind an occasional shag with a postie if her pussy looked halfway decent. Most of them done in Thailand, from what I've seen, look awful, like a big ol' rathole.
Gif is one postop I'd like to try sometime and of course the queen of all postops and one I'd seriously consider visiting Phuket just to spend time with, is Jeab.
But it would all be a part time thing to me, a lovely preop with a huge tool is still the best choice to me.
I'm with Lefty most of the way. The odd Post Op shag every now and then is OK but as a rule the girls don't take care of their fake pussies after the operation so they look really nasty.
Gifs fishbox looks almost perfect by the way! She did take care of hers properly and she did follow all the doctors instructuions about post op care at a considerable amount of pain to herself, though. Most of these girls do NOT and of course the doctors get the blame and the girls get the 'Shark Eyes' syndrome which is well documented on this forum!
(stogie bear @ Jan. 02 2007,06:45) Most of these girls do NOT and of course the doctors get the blame
most girls DO follow the instructions....they are not total idiots after all and want the best results possible and follow the instructions that the Docs tell 'em and they still look like crap and have no feeling.
the ones who rush it and start having sex too early have a harder time getting adjusted but regardless, in the end 100% of these people get 'pussies' which close up about 4 or 5 inches in and their chances of having a normal sex life are nil.
just one man's opinion of course, and something I have formed after talking to about 50 posties and another 200 friends of posties; it's never really good and the majority wish they had never done it.Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
-Dennis Miller
After buying her a couple of drinks and chatting, I STILL did not believe......so barfine was in order and.......yep, I was wrong.
I think you wasted a barfine, whatever money on her, and a night out on the town with a REAL ladyboy who is not psychotic and weird and would still have her appendage attached just to prove a point to yourself.
But, yes, I did it to prove to myself one way or another was she a postop. Gif told me she was, but Gif has a good, mischevious sense of humour, so I was not trusting her! The girl herself was not going to tell me, and I just had to find outMister Arse
How well done was her pussy surgery Stewart?
I think that is the thing that turns me off on posties the most. While I love lb cocks that are big and hard, I'd not mind an occasional shag with a postie if her pussy looked halfway decent. Most of them done in Thailand, from what I've seen, look awful, like a big ol' rathole.
And anyone who says otherwise, IMHO, is talking through a hole in their ass!Mister Arse
sorry for the other guys Stewart, but I agree with you 100%....these things NEVER look good, don't get wet the same, can't produce any feelings and leave the girls a miserable wreck for the rest of their days.
There has been some good acting going on though, obviously! because some guys are convinced the moans and groans they hear are something more than wishful thinking, so these girls should get be getting acadamy awards.
when the day comes where I believe this below looks anything like a real vagina I'lll let ya' know.......ladyboys have a HOLE, women have like a slit down there, it seems easy to see in my eyes and they all look crappy like this.Attached FilesGuilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
-Dennis Miller
(buttafly @ Jan. 02 2007,07:29)(stogie bear @ Jan. 02 2007,06:45) Most of these girls do NOT and of course the doctors get the blame
most girls DO follow the instructions....they are not total idiots after all and want the best results possible and follow the instructions that the Docs tell 'em and they still look like crap and have no feeling.
the ones who rush it and start having sex too early have a harder time getting adjusted but regardless, in the end 100% of these people get 'pussies' which close up about 4 or 5 inches in and their chances of having a normal sex life are nil.
just one man's opinion of course, and something I have formed after talking to about 50 posties and another 200 friends of posties; it's never really good and the majority wish they had never done it.
None really looked like a "Genetic-Pussy", but the feeling was always good.
They all enjoyed sex and "vaginal" penetration... a few of them were even able to get an orgasm
About half of them TOLD me that they don't practice anal sex anymore... the other half SHOWED me that they still appreciate it