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  • Sonya

    Does any one know where to find Sonya !! Contact Info??

    Is she a good time

  • #2
    Sonya..if she's the same I know, is usually freelancing around Nana.
    Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


    • #3
      You need to be more precise than just a name - there are probably 2-300 ladboys working around Nana, so very likely there will be more than one with same name.

      I know at least 2 Sonya's:

      The midget in Obsessions
      Sonya who freelances outside Nana, and comes to Singapore regularly
      Mister Arse


      • #4
        (Stewart @ Dec. 02 2006,18:03) You need to be more precise than just a name - there are probably 2-300 ladboys working around Nana, so very likely there will be more than one with same name.

        I know at least 2 Sonya's:

        The midget in Obsessions
        Sonya who freelances outside Nana, and comes to Singapore regularly
        I know the midget in obsessions as Bam or Bamboula that is what she told me anyway and also what is in her email address. However many of these girls like to change there names she might be calling herself Sonya now.


        • #5
          Okay i know 3 Sonya's here are their respective pics and where abouts .

          1 . Sonya who became famous in Obsessions , now no longer there ? Even her Badge number 4 has been passed onto another ladyboy , so where abouts unknown .
          Attached Files


          • #6
            2 . Sonya who is a freelancer around Nana , and regular in Singapore . Is always back and forth so just luck whether she in Bkk when you are really .
            Attached Files


            • #7
              3 . Sonya from Pattaya , works Jenny Star Bar most nites .
              Attached Files


              • #8

                This is starting to sound like a new game show;

                "Do you know your Sonya's ?"

                Not sure if it would last more than one episode ?

                You certainly have exhausted all possibilities with your reply.

                Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                • #9
                  Ah yes Sonya from Obsessions. She would have to be very close to most passable ladyboy I have seen in Nana.

                  Wonder what has happened to her. She was there every night back in August but on my recent trip did not see her at all.

                  Wait a minute. Snick nowewhere to found, Sonya nowhere to found. Coincidence


                  • #10
                    Hello Koykaeng!

                    Great idea for that game show.
                    The next episodes could be:
                    Do you know your Pim's?
                    Or do you know your Joy's?


                    • #11
                      I have personal knowledge of the midget in Obseesions.

                      Bam email given to me is : [email protected]

                      Phone : 840868914

                      she is very nice, long and narrow, just right, feels fine !!!

                      You no care me DIE !!!


                      • #12
                        I was talking about Sonia No. 2
                        Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                        • #13
                          (ozzie @ Dec. 02 2006,21:40) Ah yes Sonya from Obsessions. She would have to be very close to most passable ladyboy I have seen in Nana.

                          Wonder what has happened to her. She was there every night back in August but on my recent trip did not see her at all.

                          Wait a minute. Snick nowewhere to found, Sonya nowhere to found. Coincidence
                          I wish

                          Sonya was a great girl, total package. Passable, nice, great english, horny AND well endowed.

                          Unfortunateky these assets became known to all and she became the most popular girl in all of Nana; and eventually a bidding war broke out to take her from the bar and have her as a girlfriend.

                          Not sure what the winning bid was, but I heard it included a Condo.

                          Good luck to you Sonya !!!
                          "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                          • #14
                            What about this Sonya? Where is she now?

                            Where can the 3rd Sonya, the one from JSB be viewed?
                            I cant find her in the galleries.


                            • #15
                              (Looker @ Dec. 04 2006,22:34) I was talking about Sonia No. 2
                              i have an email / phone number for her somewhere will drag it out. Never met her myself always seemed a bit too keen!!!

