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Found in the Bed Supper Club

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  • #16
    (post-op lover @ Nov. 10 2006,16:10) A doctor?  A doctor?  Niiiiice.  
    I have been known to joke alot but I am serious with this. Sometime back, maybe early this year, there was a guy that posted about meeting a ladyboy doctor or dentist in a nightclub and spending some time with her. If I am not mistaken, this guy claimed to be a dentist and he met her thru some collegues in Bangkok. This lady looks very much like the one that he was talking about. Some of the long time members of this forum should remember this subject.


    • #17
      A Doctor indeed, I can feel a medical examination coming on!!

      You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


      • #18
        (flassitor @ Nov. 08 2006,07:48) Isn't this the doctor that someone posted about several months ago? It seems as she is not "in the business" but if she likes you she will go with you.
        Must be a proctologist........

        It's good to matter what the pay

        Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

        Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
        ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

        "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


        • #19
          rob last time i was there with mint and helen, i saw may(huge boobs) and a few other older shemales. Its expensive to get in, open around 11pm and closes at 1am. kind of strange place as it only goes for about 2 hours and i believe i payed 600 each for mint and i to get in, for this you get 2 drinks each and you can ;laze around on beds overlookimng the dance floor.
          just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


          • #20

            Sorry to tell you that THE BED SUPPER CLUB ROCKS The Bed and Qbar with some other places in RCA are te only DECENT places where you can take someone to listen to music similar to the REAL MUSIC TEMPLES of IBIZA.

            It may seem to you expensive to spend 600bhts for a girl but allow me to tell you that if you wanna go out with them you should be able to pay the price as they say in Thailand NO MONEY NO HONEY...

            Once again , I repeat , THE BED SUPPER CLUB could be considered the BEST place on BKK in many aspects... the restaurant before 22:30 is excellent and impressive (for the ones who would like to impress GGs and LBs). From 22:30 to 0130- sometimes 02:00 (AND NOT ONLY 1 or 2 HOURS as mentioned above) the CLUB is open with 2 main rooms, one with the Beds (mainstream and lounge music) where i have taken various LBs (Joy from Obsessions, etc... for not mentioning more ) and another one with the main dance flour that usually plays the "best" dance sessions in BKK reaching the Level of PACHA IBIZA (the TEMPLE of DANCE music) and AMNESIA (of ibiza).

            Quality is ALWAYS expensive



            • #21
              (post-op lover @ Nov. 10 2006,03:10) A doctor?  A doctor?  Niiiiice.  
              Not that kind of doctor you sick fuck


              ain't life grand


              • #22
                Somebody called for a Doctor??
                You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                • #23
                  (donnnnnny @ Nov. 11 2006,04:37) rob  last time i was there with mint and helen, i saw may(huge boobs) and a few other  older shemales. Its expensive to get in, open around 11pm and closes at 1am.  kind of  strange place as it only goes for about 2 hours and i believe i payed 600 each for mint and i to get in, for this you get 2 drinks each and you can ;laze around on beds overlookimng the dance floor.
                  Thanks Donnnnny, I will give it a go if my emergency call up papers come thru', in Jan 07.

                  You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                  • #24
                    Im absolutely in love , she looks great.
                    im there in 2 weeks so expect a (s)trip report.
                    Ive elevated her above Tanya of temptations , so you know its looooove!



                    • #25
                      (diablo80 @ Nov. 11 2006,13:57) Donnnyyy

                      Sorry to tell you that THE BED SUPPER CLUB ROCKS    The Bed and Qbar with some other places in RCA are te only DECENT places where you can take someone to listen to music similar to the REAL MUSIC TEMPLES of IBIZA.

                      It may seem to you expensive to spend 600bhts for a girl but allow me to tell you that if you wanna go out with them you should be able to pay the price    as they say in Thailand NO MONEY NO HONEY...

                      Once again , I repeat , THE BED SUPPER CLUB could be considered the BEST place on BKK in many aspects... the restaurant before 22:30 is excellent and impressive (for the ones who would like to impress GGs and LBs). From 22:30 to 0130- sometimes 02:00 (AND NOT ONLY 1 or 2 HOURS as mentioned above) the CLUB is open with 2 main rooms, one with the Beds (mainstream and lounge music) where i have taken various LBs (Joy from Obsessions, etc... for not mentioning more    ) and another one with the main dance flour that usually plays the "best" dance sessions in BKK reaching the Level of PACHA IBIZA (the TEMPLE of DANCE music) and AMNESIA (of ibiza).

                      Quality is ALWAYS expensive  

                      take a chill pill diablo i was mearly telling rob69 the cost of getting in. same as a bar fine in nana. it does not rock either it plays crappy techno shit where every song sounds the same. I still reckon its a waist of money for -2-3 hours
                      more fun sitting in the street in sukumvit fighting of the droves of free lancers and spying out the new superstars as they parade there goods in front of you.
                      just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                      • #26
                        (donnnnnny @ Nov. 13 2006,17:30)
                        (diablo80 @ Nov. 11 2006,13:57) Donnnyyy

                        Sorry to tell you that THE BED SUPPER CLUB ROCKS    The Bed and Qbar with some other places in RCA are te only DECENT places where you can take someone to listen to music similar to the REAL MUSIC TEMPLES of IBIZA.

                        It may seem to you expensive to spend 600bhts for a girl but allow me to tell you that if you wanna go out with them you should be able to pay the price    as they say in Thailand NO MONEY NO HONEY...

                        Once again , I repeat , THE BED SUPPER CLUB could be considered the BEST place on BKK in many aspects... the restaurant before 22:30 is excellent and impressive (for the ones who would like to impress GGs and LBs). From 22:30 to 0130- sometimes 02:00 (AND NOT ONLY 1 or 2 HOURS as mentioned above) the CLUB is open with 2 main rooms, one with the Beds (mainstream and lounge music) where i have taken various LBs (Joy from Obsessions, etc... for not mentioning more    ) and another one with the main dance flour that usually plays the "best" dance sessions in BKK reaching the Level of PACHA IBIZA (the TEMPLE of DANCE music) and AMNESIA (of ibiza).

                        Quality is ALWAYS expensive  

                        take a chill pill  diablo  i was mearly telling rob69 the cost of getting in. same as a bar fine in nana. it does not rock either it plays crappy techno shit where  every song sounds the  same.  I still reckon its a waist of  money for -2-3 hours
                        more fun sitting in the street in sukumvit   fighting of the  droves of  free lancers   and spying out the new superstars as they parade there  goods  in front of you.
                        Having visited Ibiza to see what all the fuss is about, i would not dispute the music is good.... IF ... you are into techno. However the sheer quantity of drunk & drug taking ferrel youth wondering around is amazing & since the arrival of the worlds biggest scam the Euro, prices are on the high side. Unfortunately these ex greek & spanish package tour drunks are finding there way to the LOS but thats another issue.  

                        The street action once Nana Plaza has closed in the mini street bars & BBQ's takes some beating, & I doubt that sort of choice exists in The Bed Supper Club. Impressing a LB by throwing money around rarely works, you just become a fool & his money is easily parted. Being nice to them also counts altho' the overiding issue is "money number one". This doesn't always mean taking them to expensive venues they are more often than not quite happy to sit & eat with there friends in the street & treating them there will count just as much as treating them in the club. I can afford to do both, whether i will or not remains to be seen, I like techno, ( Sorry Donnnnny the Missionary has some strange habits ) so i will be checking the place out, its good to know the score before arrival. I may, or may not take a companion, but that won't be decided on price, it will be decided on the flow of the evening & whether they would like to go there.

                        Each to there own.

                        The Flash & the Missionary

                        You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                        • #27
                          Ok Ok OK

                          YOU R RIGHT a waste of money... compared to nana disco on the 2nd flour ... and the bar above... both music is great and the view even better after 2 oclock but preferences are private and unique

                          In other words... I wish i had more time to go everywhere

                          ANYWAY anyone can tell me anything about the LBs



                          • #28
                            Diablo80, its not about we are  right you are wrong.

                            If you don't live in the LOS, it is more about relaxing, enjoyable, entertainment without the stigma's & over-pricing associated with western destinations, & most of us would like to spend more time there. But be under no illusion its an elaborate real time theatre provided mostly for us.

                            All of us have different tastes over what we consider to be relaxing, enjoyable, entertainment, whether thats cruising the street bars & BBQ's, cruising the techno clubs & bars similar to those on Soi 33, ( I might have the number wrong,... Alzheimers! ) or just tipping up in the LB supermarkets, collecting our chosen one then making a mad dash for the hotel, incase we are seen with the 3rd gender.

                            One thing we all have in common, we are all customers of the providers, as such we are pretty meaningless to them, other than as a mobile ATM. It is probable that they have some preferences, but when you are gone.... next!

                            Enjoy what you enjoy, luckily we don't all enjoy the same thing....... except perhaps LB's.

                            You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                            • #29
                              (rob69in @ Nov. 13 2006,20:24) It is probable that they have some preferences, but when you are gone.... next!

                              Enjoy what you enjoy, luckily we don't all enjoy the same thing....... except perhaps LB's.
                              Quite right rob !


                              • #30
                                Is there a doctor in the house???? Hmmm....i wonder if she wishes to join my practice. I need someone for prostate exams......

