Mabuhay! Thank you so much for visiting.
My name is Alyssa and I'm a pre op Filipina transsexual working as a professional escort. im in Macau now until November 1. You can contact me here tru +85366533610 or just 66533610 inside Macau.
Many said that I'm good hearted, nice, warm, sweet and most of all very SEXUAL. I am fluent in English and Filipino, and able to carry a good conversation in both languages.
I often travel to Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Macau, Jakarta and Manila.
Please visit my personal site
for more info, services, rates, travel schedules and pictures
My name is Alyssa and I'm a pre op Filipina transsexual working as a professional escort. im in Macau now until November 1. You can contact me here tru +85366533610 or just 66533610 inside Macau.
Many said that I'm good hearted, nice, warm, sweet and most of all very SEXUAL. I am fluent in English and Filipino, and able to carry a good conversation in both languages.
I often travel to Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Macau, Jakarta and Manila.
Please visit my personal site
for more info, services, rates, travel schedules and pictures