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Moo! Where are you?

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  • #16
    No....Done all the ones I wanted KK and now think I shall go home for a rest, infact, am already there


    • #17
      (seancaney @ Feb. 27 2007,00:52) pinyo1 said  she was a dud and i was replying in that context do you mind are you insulted oh you are get over it buddy
      I think you are talking to yourself.


      • #18
        I was right !


        • #19
          She was out and about in Pattaya last night (Friday 2nd March 2007) looking hot...


          • #20
            She always looks hot but she is so damn tall and tends to strut around like a model on the runway all the time.
            But some guys like that.


            • #21
              (pentire @ Mar. 03 2007,18:19) She always looks hot but she is so damn tall and tends to strut around like a model on the runway all the time.
              But some guys like that.
              How tall?


              • #22
                ...if she is really a dud in bed, then why spend too much time unless she is just so damn fun to be around....
      ,  you're really a guy?..............  


                • #23
                  (divertwo @ Mar. 03 2007,19:13) ...if she is really a dud in bed, then why spend too much time unless she is just so damn fun to be around....
                  hmm, well there is truly only one comment that she is a dud in bed, and Flassitor's comment surely must be a joke, plus one positive review from Pentire.

                  I would say that she is likely not a dud in bed. As with anything your mileage may vary from a good time to a fantastic time depending on your chemistry with her. No two people are exactly the same and though you are paying for it - you will not necessarily get the same performance from p4p (pay for play) worker as she provides to someone she may have a better "spark" with.

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                  • #24
                    (nhscotsman @ Mar. 03 2007,12:08)
                    (pentire @ Mar. 03 2007,18:19) She always looks hot but she is so damn tall and tends to strut around like a model on the runway all the time.
                    But some guys like that.
                    How tall?
                    She is a six footer when in shoes definitely. Cos I am 5' 11'' and look up at her.

                    Great in bed and loves sex IMO...
                    She actually shot her load while I'm humping her from behind and all over my fresh clean sheets therefore, I insisted she stayed the night


                    • #25
                      Sorry guys,

                      Moo used to work in Obsession Bar, right? I have heard she is gone to study. Is it right?

                      Any one has her phone number? I exchange it for the number of the young and out of the scene still cutie from my avatar.



                      • #26
                        If you would actually read this post from the beginning I think you would quickly find out this Moo has not worked in Obsession Bar, and is working out of Jenny Star Bar in Pattaya. Further to that there is a photo of her posted, in this same thread that I will repost here.

                        This should clear things up for you.

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                        • #27
                          (rxpharm @ Mar. 07 2007,00:14) If you would actually read this post from the beginning I think you would quickly find out this Moo has not worked in Obsession Bar, and is working out of Jenny Star Bar in Pattaya. Further to that there is a photo of her posted, in this same thread that I will repost here.

                          This should clear things up for you.


                          sorry for my confusion  


                          • #28
                            Hey all

                            has anyone seen Moo around lately , any details ?

                            last i heard see was in pattaya and i did see her there about 2 weeks ago ,but alas never got the chance to talk to her



                            • #29
                              Never heard of her... Got a pic?


                              • #30
                                yeah what ever stogie

