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  • COCO

    Does any one know where Coco is these days?
    I dont have any pics of her sorry.
    She used to work at C&D in Phuket as a sort of Mama san,but then I think some one reported her dancing in Cascades last year around December.
    She is an older LB but was still very sexy 18 months ago.
    (She is not the Coco working in Casanova)
    Just curious, thanks for any info..

  • #2
    This is the one right?

    Saw her in Bangkok during songkran actually ran into her on my way to catching a Tuk Tuk back to the hotel. She said she was working at one of the Cabaret shows but I can't recall which one sorry.  
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Yes mate that is the one,she is a great girl and looks even beter in a dress.She is sophisticated and classy and sexy as hell.
      Ozzie you are rapidly becoming an expert in all things Thai, especially the LBs you seem to be able to keep track of.
      I think with the help of your photo I might get lucky with some info.


      • #4
        Actually I might have a phone number for her on an old Thai simm, I will have a look.

        Also my mate who was with with me at the time might remember which cabaret it was because I think we told her we were going to see her there the next night.


        • #5
          OK found a number for her but not sure if it still works.



          • #6
            Real nice girl and in real nice shape

            Attached Files
            ain't life grand


            • #7
              pretty sure it was the Mambo Cabaret.. on Sukhumvit..

              Hey Ozzie , that was a freak running into her that day at Sonkran...hahah

              She was sexy as hell and i still am pissed off we didnt go see her at the Cabaret........

              oh well ........maybe next time.....



              • #8
                Thanks guys,
                This is a great network we have here.
                Ozzie i will give the number a try in October,if thats no good I will have to just check out Mambos for myself.
                Thanks again


                • #9
                  (tropical @ Sep. 17 2006,10:26) She is sophisticated and classy and sexy as hell.

                  And her English is excellent too.

                  Great pic Ozzie!!

