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  • #31
    Attached Files


    • #32
      Alternatively, you can also deliberatey misuse the quote function - that seems to do the trick as well
      Mister Arse


      • #33
        (ozzie @ Nov. 22 2007,14:37)
        (rick @ Nov. 22 2007,16:34)
        (stogie bear @ Nov. 22 2007,13:31) Hi hievery1...

        (I like the slutty dark haired femboy rather than the blond prima donna.)  
        Shes´s blond now as of a few days.
        How do you know the one he is talking about is blonde?

        Not sure i understand your question. If it´s this Kwang or how i know shes blonde.

        Pretty sure sb means this Kwang, and since i saw her last night in Nana parking, unless i´m colorblind, she is blonde.


        • #34
          how do i put picture so i can show who im talking about


          • #35
            There is a little box that says 'choose file' or something below the part you enter your message in
            Mister Arse


            • #36
              thanks 4 the help tis is who im chasing
              Attached Files


              • #37
                good to see you've half chopped off someone elses logo, that should really get Stogie

                another thing you could do is to try to break the page frame....

                oh, and there is only one Kwang, all the others are poor imitations imo (in the first photo here she is in red)

                Please, could someone get some new pics of her uploaded?

                I've made kathylc  


                • #38
                  Pictures with a logo are normally not allowed. But exceptions are made when we are trying to identify someone...

                  We do not EVER allow pics where there is only half a logo or the logo has been removed. It's unfair to the copyright holders and bloody annoying.

                  In this case the girl is on our site ( many times so we don't even need a pic from another site. So I have replaced it...
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    Hey Rick... You were right... it's THIS Kwang that gives me a woody. Not that blonde post op has-been from KC3...
                    Attached Files


                    • #40
                      (Moved back again!)


                      • #41
                        (rick @ Nov. 22 2007,18:53) Not sure i understand your question. If it´s this Kwang or how i know shes blonde.

                        Pretty sure sb means this Kwang, and since i saw her last night in Nana parking, unless i´m colorblind, she is blonde.
                        Well he ask for Kwang without a picture and you assumed it was the one with blonde hair. So my point was why would you automatically assume that when there are at least 4 kwangs I know in BKK alone.

                        BTW am I the only one who cannot see any of pictures on this thread?


                        • #42
                          BTW am I the only one who cannot see any of pictures on this thread?
                          I could earlier, but I can't now
                          Mister Arse


                          • #43
                            (ozzie @ Nov. 22 2007,16:47) So my point was why would you automatically assume that when there are at least 4 kwangs I know in BKK alone.
                            because she is The Kwang...

                            other Kwangs pale into insignificance in the shadow of Kwang,

                            all hail The Mighty Kwang

                            BTW am I the only one who cannot see any of pictures on this thread?
                            nah, Stogie left them somewhere when he was moving threads and pictures around...

                            I've made kathylc  


                            • #44
                              Pics (not ricks, sorry!) restored.


                              • #45
                                thanks every 1 but the main question i chasing is where does she hang out as i will be in thailand shortly and love to see her 4 reel

