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  • Michelle...

    Hi there,

    a new face around asia.

    She is very cute I think

    but check out yourself.

    Her yahoo group

    Yahoo group

    and her - hmmm sad about that- small website

    Her Webpage


  • #2
    Good Looker but there they go again 200 US/hr. Crazy prices for Manila indeed for all of SE Asia.


    • #3
      Yes that is true. Quality maybe have its prize.

      Hmm I am allways wondering why my BMW is so expansive and Toyota or other asian cars are allways so cheap.

      Hmm Quality?? Service maybe??

      Come to switzerland and you pay around 400 ‚¬ around 500 USD for one hour. For asian T-Girls here.

      London 300 pounds for one hour and they look horrible.

      I like to go to asia, because they are cheaper.

      But I also know, quality has its own prize.

      The market will reagulate the prizes. Sometimes


      • #4
        seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


        • #5
          (breakermorant @ Jul. 28 2006,01:01) Good Looker but there they go again 200 US/hr. Crazy prices for Manila indeed for all of SE Asia.

          yeah,too expensive.Nothing to do with quality,there are many girls in LOS that you can take for a far cheaper price than this "diva" from Philipines and they offer a very good service
          Crazy about girls with dick


          • #6
            (nemrod @ Jul. 27 2006,16:00)
            (breakermorant @ Jul. 28 2006,01:01) Good Looker but there they go again 200 US/hr.  Crazy prices for Manila indeed for all of SE Asia.

            yeah,too expensive.Nothing to do with quality,there are many girls in LOS that you can take for a far cheaper price than this "diva" from Philipines and they offer a very good service
            Hell yeah; for that money she ought to do my laundry and my taxes too

            In all honesty though, there are a couple or 3 filipinas I'd glady pay the big bucks for
            Attached Files
            ain't life grand


            • #7
              Hmmm. Just had a look at her photos guys and I'll admit I'd consider dishing it out for her. Let's be honest and subjective here fellas, she has a curvish body, her face is nice, seems like a classy person. (I have been drinking this afternoon). Not bad overall in my opinion.


              • #8
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  for all those guys here in this furom theres nothing i cant say but hmmmmmmm,,,,,,,i dnt care wat u say,,,,cos i only talk wt the people im level wt not wt this low profile fellas,,,,,cos they are cheap personally,,,,,,


                  • #10
                    Surely there must be SOME slim pretty lbs in the PI!

                    Another fat chick praying that hope springs eternal!


                    • #11
                      (arol @ Jul. 28 2006,17:16) for all those guys here in this furom theres nothing i cant say but hmmmmmmm,,,,,,,i dnt care wat u say,,,,cos i only talk wt the people im level wt not wt this low profile fellas,,,,,cos they are cheap personally,,,,,,
                      sorry fella,but it´s a good idea not to write while you are drunk or something else 'cause it's difficult to find out what you really mean
                      Crazy about girls with dick


                      • #12
                        (nemrod @ Jul. 28 2006,14:51)
                        (arol @ Jul. 28 2006,17:16) for all those guys here in this furom theres nothing i cant say but hmmmmmmm,,,,,,,i dnt care wat u say,,,,cos i only talk wt the people im level wt not wt this low profile fellas,,,,,cos they are cheap personally,,,,,,  
                        sorry fella,but it´s a good idea not to write while you are drunk or something else 'cause it's difficult to find out what you really mean

                        I think the meaning is,..... we're a bunch of low rent cheap bastards

                        ain't life grand


                        • #13
                          (nemrod @ Jul. 29 2006,01:51) sorry fella,but it´s a good idea not to write while you are drunk or something else 'cause it's difficult to find out what you really mean
                          You may as well be talking to me too... Although I'm a bit more coherent when drunk, the beer goggles do get in the way, my statements yesterday are proof, and unfortunately I can't edit my posts : ) Comments withdrawn nevertheless.


                          • #14
                            Sorry for that posting.
                            That was not me that was Michelle.
                            Hmmm she used my id, because she want to see what other people have written. Hmm she is a little bit hotblooded and can not control her feelings.

                            So sorry for that.

                            But I think your guys can handle this.


                            • #15
                              ok .. we wont take her! pi, 200usd who would even consider ....

