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  • #31
    .....Ok 3 months later JB since the last post regarding VISA hangups.........any positive news yet? If it's tough to get a LB to your country.........can't imagine what I'll be in store for when trying to get a VISA for a friend to come to the US .....when that day comes...........,  you're really a guy?..............  


    • #32
      No further news, the appeal process here the UK takes 6 - 9 months for the case to be heard in court so i'm not expecting to hear anything until March/April time at the earliest. - don't worry I'll be telling everyone when its over either that Kai got her visa or I'm emmigrating to LOS  
      Too old to die young!


      • #33
        Latest update on the visa saga - the 28th of February has been set as the date for Kai's appeal.

        and, in the mean time for those of you looking to hook up with Kai, .....your luck is not in....she is away back home for a while (until the money runs out)

        BTW, if "Daniel" is reading this forum .......congratulations        you win this months award for perseverance. Tell me, what part of "not working" do you not understand?

        If he phoned once, he phoned 20 times during the two weeks I was there  
        Too old to die young!


        • #34
          (jellybean @ Jan. 11 2007,03:52) Latest update on the visa saga - the 28th of February has been set as the date for Kai's appeal.
          Wishing you and Kai all the best, JB.
          seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


          • #35
            Yep - fingers crossed here also!


            • #36
              Thanks for the good wishes guys. I'll keep you all updated.

              SB, sorry for not getting in contact during my recent trip - don't know where the time went, I was heading home before I knew it.

              Too old to die young!


              • #37
                Understandable, old (jelly)bean!

                Back in the UK in a few weeks. Maybe me KL, DD007 and I can come up and pay you a visit!


                • #38
                  (jellybean @ Jan. 11 2007,02:52) Latest update on the visa saga - the 28th of February has been set as the date for Kai's appeal.
                  I hope you win

