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  • #61
    Major dittos on Daphne. Her sheer beauty overwhelms you. There are quite a few traffic-stopping Philipinas like her. Totally stunning and extremely passable.

    I had no thoughts of being dominated and was a virgin, but I felt myself being melted and mesmerized. Insisted I lick her ass..which I certainly planned on doing anyway, but before I knew what was going on, I was on all fours with my own ass in the air - Daphne rhymically sliding in and out of it. It hurt like hell at I expected. But she was gentle and persistent, and clearly enjoyed herself. THe fun part was taking a huge facial load from her sweet cock. I didn't come. I paid her (300 sing $, expensive I know) and all fired up went to Orchard Towers to pick up again.

    Alas, none of the Thais there could match Daphne for looks and beauty. Ended up with Tar as I recall...anyone knows her? The one with glasses.


    • #62
      (braggis @ Aug. 26 2008,10:30) Ended up with Tar as I recall...anyone knows her? The one with glasses.
      Yes, met her a few times in Bkk and Pattaya.
      She´s cool..
      "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

      Jaidee 2009

      The other white meat


      • #63
        Was she your old avatar?
        My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham


        • #64
          i've been unavoidably detained for a couple months bringing down the green necessary to return to paradise, but i'm pleased to find upon my return tonight to my ever-favorite forum at least one member's tale of deviant thrills -- thanks to MikeNH - though i am still a bit surprised that an innately kinky crowd such as this is so disinterested in the bdsm twist on ladyboy pleasures....

          with time for thought i think i see a parallel between the lack of interest here and that of the most beautiful ladyboys in the world. perhaps it's just not in the thai nature to "abuse" one's partner for pleasure and thus those who have found their love of the thai ladyboy to be primary in their own desires reflect that tendency.

          no judgment either way, of course, i just find it curious.
          and since i return as verbose as ever, let me throw another thought here before i check out about 50 pages of 'new posts'

          regarding the whole piss's a theory:
          when we were babies, if we pissed our diapers our mothers/caretakers came running to change us and thus the sensation of warm piss on our privates is a pavlovian key to a receiving of loving attention.

          of course that only applies to A. babies who wore diapers and B. babies who got changed when they peed.... so tell me, MikeNH -- were you a well-cared-for baby while the rest of these cold-hearted ladyboy-chasers pissed themselves for days at a time with no mommy bringing them relief?


          • #65
            Welcome back. Was a bit worried not hearing from you.

            When are you back here?
            "The Ladyboy Collection- start yours today!"


            • #66
              (Socrates999 @ Aug. 30 2008,01:53) Welcome back. Was a bit worried not hearing from you.

              When are you back here?
              thank you, my friend. thought i'd hear from you over the summer -- weren't you passing thru this neck of the woods?
              as for my return to paradise, i just don't know yet.
              just waiting for someone on this board to find a sufficiently fetishistic ladyboy of unsurpassed beauty to *order* me back!

              that, and this fucking job.


              • #67
                (thaibound @ Aug. 30 2008,15:13) though i am still a bit surprised that an innately kinky crowd such as this is so disinterested in the bdsm twist on ladyboy pleasures....
                Its not that we are disinterested, its just that Thais make really bad Doms.
                Can't you just picture a Thai wearing neck to toe PVC towering over you , screaming "on your knees Farang Slave Dog Kah (giggle) (giggle) , I hungry, we eat then spank spank, ok mai kah ?"

                Thais and BDSM don't mix.

                BTW, Socrates tortures me by telling me there was a Thai Goth nightclub that closed just before I moved here  
                "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                • #68
                  (Snick @ Aug. 30 2008,07:46) BTW, Socrates tortures me by telling me there was a Thai Goth nightclub that closed just before I moved here  
                  so tell one of your live-in ladyboy slave girls to dress up like she's going out clubbing at a new goth club that's just opening -- and then tell her she can't go. that there is no club. and she has to stay home and do your laundry.

                  that oughta bring bdsm to thailand.

