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searching indonesia ladyboy or waria

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  • searching indonesia ladyboy or waria

    shortly i am going to stay for a month in indonesia... mainly in jakarta and java island... i would like to get some contact details for local ladyboys...

  • #2
    in jakarta get a silver bird taxi( avaialble at most big hotels.( big black cabs good service no problems. after 12 mid night ask him to take you to TAman laawang. near to mentang close centre of town
    you can cruse round all the streets and spy out 50-100 ladyboys on the street. Ive never had any trouble here and the drivers love it tooo. 3 years ago i was paying around 200k rupiah for a short time plus a hotel. ask the girls to take you to a short time hotel or back to your place. just open the window a little and bargain with them and if your sure let em in. lock door and away.
    there also used to be a few haning around at Tanamor disco close to hard rock cafe.all the taxis know it
    cheers donnnny
    as for numbers try face-pic or faceparty. both free and plenty advertising to meet. at a price of course
    sorry thats all i have as i hav.nt been for 3 years
    just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


    • #3
      Any one got any info on the LB action in Bali...? would love to go there but want to be reasonably sure I know the bars/places to meet LB's....?

      Thanks B


      • #4
        Best places in bali are easy to find, from 11:30PM to 02:00 AM go to Jalan Dyana pura, in Seminyak. There is a bar called Q bar, it is a gay bar but many LB's are around this bar on the sidewalk. there is another just in front, Kudo's, some night LB's show are happening in one or the other bar. Then after 2:00AM go to Deja Vu on the beach near 66 club.
        many LB's are hanging either in the bar on straigh on the beach. all are free lancer.
        Around 3:00AM everybody moves to 66 disco till dusk and so the LB's do.
        Do expect any stunning LB as they are in Thailand, because there is no hormon pills here in Indo. Some of them are OK but not really LB more femboy I will say. There is two other places but if you are not familiar with Indonesia better you stick with those places.
        Oops, I almost forgot, there is one more TG bar in Legian called Ulu's Bar and there is LB shows fron 11:00PM almost every night of the week, it is good place to get contacts and continue your journey, but beware many gay...


        • #5

          Hey Suggest, once your trip is booked, PM me and I'll give you a good contact, freindly natural ladyboy, no hormones yet no hairy ass or anything like that.

          She'd be happy to show u around, intrroduce you tto other warias, whatever floats your boat.


          • #6
            As I posted it on another forum, here is the same one with more details and advices, because I do not want this forum less detailed than the other one  

            Just go to jalan Dhyana Pura in Seminyak. There is a bar on the left side going to the ocean, called Qbar. It is a gay bar   ! But there many LB's hanging around from 11:30PM, they use to stay around this area till 2:00 AM and then move to the Deja vu, a bar on the beach at about 5mn drive from jalan Dhyana Pura at the end of Jalan 66. Some night and depending also on the season, there is many LB's hanging on the beach, just go walk on the sand and pretend to go for a pee  , you will be soon around some special creatures!  
            Around 3:00 AM everybody moves to club 66 next to the previous bar, about 5 mn walk from deja vu. Depending on the season, on the night of the week, and on the mood of the contestants   , LB crowd may vary from none to about 30. Do not expect any stunning LB such as they are in Thailand. Most of them, about 90% are more femboy than LB. Here you will have hard time to find hormone tits and even silicon breast implants. There some with silicon implants but there are all old tarts, I do not why, but it is like that! Except one young talent known under the name of Rosa which get a brand new breast implant in JKT, she is really nice, but not that good in bed   , what a waste!
            Most of the LB's comes from Java and specialy Jakarta. The turn over is quite important but you will find some staying there all year around.
            But since the tragic bombing in Bali and other different disease involving Indonesia, the tourism is quite small now compare to a few years back, and then LB's from Jakarta are less attracted by Bali as a major vacation destination and btw, tourist money.
            There is also another bar in Legian called the "Ulu's" it is a TG bar with a TG show almost every night of the week. The show usualy starts from 11:00 PM, the crowd here is very mixed but there is a lot of gay! Anyway, I think ,it remains a good place to start your journey in search of finding LB. As always in Bali, crowd may seriously vary from very good to bad in matter of one day. So do not be lazy and try to check up everytime you can.
            Every sunday night LB's use to meet in Club 66 on Seminyak beach. Most of the Bali LB are there.
            If you speak a little bit of Indo, you will be then able to bargain the sex fare. They will start as high as they can without any shame (1 000 000 Rp is not uncommon), so do not be stupid and follow my advice. The fair price for a blow job may vary from 50 000 Rp (about 5 usd), if you are very good, to 100 000 Rp which is much easier to get.
            Most of them do not accept penetration    , claiming : "you too big banana!" once you're in the room without your pants on! So try to make that clear before hiring them, never pay in advance   , just show them the money as a proof you have it.
            Most of them will try to cheat you and they do not scare about lying obviously, it is like that in Indonesia, but do not be scare and stay firm, they will never be armfull, just stay calm and keep arguing. for the one you can fuck (very few), you can pay them 200 000 Rp for ST (ST is usually one shot!), I can bargain at 150 000 rp in the low season but I have good skills of Indo so it is easier for me!
            If you intend to go with 2 LB (or more), be aware of your wallet, most of the time while one is taking care of you, the other one(s) takes care of your pockets and wallets. This is a typical technique.

            I hope you will have good time in Bali, and do not forget there is also good GG around, do not miss them

