She has a real pretty face and a sweet bod. She also looks like she has a little attitude, sort of mad. Where can I find her? I seen a pic of her lovehole and it looks to me like she is giving it up. I want to find this gorl and give her a good stuffing.
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angry little ladyboy
rubberup and come and get it bigboy!!! This girl looks like she knows how to screw.Attached Files
I didn't say there were no LBs...I said there were no stunners, and I stand by that statement (although I have added a few asterisks to denote the handful of stunners 'purported' to be working in this god-forsaken city).
She "allegedly" works in Pattaya, but I ain't see her!I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!
I visited the bar she is suppose to be working at 3 different times and sat through the boring, after the first time, pussy shows waiting to see her in the chorus line, but she was never there.
There is a very attractive LB that appears to be the lead dancer, but I don't know if she goes with customers. Â None of the LBs came out and sat in the audience when I was there. Â I did try to pick up a very cute LB waitress and she was very willing, but when I found out she was underage I left without her. Â Not interested in a trip to the local jail, thank you.
Aren't these "girls" suppose to 18 to work in a bar?
(JackG @ Jun. 11 2006,10:23) Aren't these "girls" suppose to 18 to work in a bar?
A girl in Pattaya once told me when she was caught by the Pattaya Police for working in a Gogo at an age of 15 the Cops told her... "you suck our cocks or you go to the Monkey house" She gave them what they wanted and they left. Nothing was done to her boss because he's well connected.
Now if you get caught with an underage girl YOU would be sucking lots of Cop cock and you'd still go to the Monkey house... Understand now how it works?