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  • Jakarta

    Anyone have any experience in Jakarta. Particularly looking for pretty, big tits, well hung - you know, the usual..
    Any info greatly appreciated. Also any hotels you know where it possible to take them back to?
    Many thanks

  • #2
    i hav'nt been to jakarta for 2 years but last time there was in jakarta go to taman lawang big area of streets near sarina mentang area. ask and silverbird taxi to take ytou there. cruise around and sheck em out
    some have boob jobs and some have very big cocks(for asia)
    good luck, never had any problems there cheers


    • #3
      yes, taman lawang is a park with some big road crossing around..kid of strange place. By night it's ladyboys (called waria in indonesian) hunting ground. There is a bit of anything, really. From boys with wigs and padded bras to operated Lbs that are practically naked with only a semi-transparent camisole. Go and bring them back to your hotel...
      Also, scout the discos and check, TGPERSONALS.COM and other similar websites before you go. Many in there are pros.
      Quality is very unsteady and some of these LBs are a bit risky when picked up from street. They may steal something for your room or simply, when you see them under the light back in your room, you may regret having taken them as they are quite dirty, full of scars and not so femmy.
      Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


      • #4
        I would suggest you give the Jakarta LB scene a miss. I lived there for 6 years and never saw anything but scary looking creatures in Taman Lawang.

        It's pretty dark there, and you have no chance to take a good look and chat them up before choosing one. I think there's a very good chance of being horribly disappointed once you get her back to your room...which is always an awkward situation. Much better in Bangkok or Singapore.


        • #5
          no way @skinnyhound i have had some cracking girls from tamanlawang and cilandak(near blokm). great fun gilrs some with boobs and plenty of big cock girls who ;love to play


          • #6
            Well donnnny...I wish I knew you when I lived in Jakarta. I'll be back there for a visit in May/June. You got any phone numbers/email addresses?


            • #7
              I'm of similar opinion on Taman Lawang and Jakarta LBs in general ... this is a scene that is just a little bit too raw, rough and rude for li'l ol' me.

              But the Jakarta GGs are very tasty, and are willing to do nearly anything.


              • #8
                Agree...I truly believe that Indonesian GG's are the best (when not in the mood for LB). Man they can smoke the pipe! he he he.

                But apparently the 'authorities' are clamping down on things - closed the 6th floor massage parlour at the hotel melawai!

                Damn I miss Indo girls!


                • #9
                  The indo babes are  very hot and  fun, fantastic in bed also 6th floor  girls are great on the arvo shift  not so good at night
                  i lived in taman rasuan apartments    and loved the sceen in jakarta. never really bothered with ts  until one day ataxi driver asked me i f i like them
                  i said yes and he took me to taman lawang.They are not as  hot as thais but some of them along the main road area opp pizza shop are very nice.had a few with niced boob jobs and had plenty of doubles
                  never had any trouble there  and always had great service. there were always a few hanging around at jejes disco but nothing to right home about
                  i had nunu ts who is on this  sight very well hung cummm squirter. great  girl fun. sorry i dont  really have any numbers as its been3 years since i was there.
                  As i said  before i allways enjoyed the sceen.
                  ps  indo ggs have huge tits
                  susu sanget besar keep hunting


                  • #10
                    Donny...seems we were trolling the same areas of JKT at the same time. I lived there from 98 to 04. Never realized how fantastic the indo girls were until I left there. Damn I miss BATS, Tiga Puluh, Melawai etc etc.

