Curious to know if the wise ones have any information on Talesha. I haven't heard anything on her for a while. Many thanks.
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Any new info on talesha
I spoke to her a few days ago and she agreed to meet me the week after next. Seems she is in her normal routine (work, customers and sleep until mid/late afternoon).Back in the scene after a couple of years away. And no that does not mean I was residing at her majesty's pleasure. God it is good to be back among the girls with that bit extra!
I talked to Talisha several times a couple weeks ago, but never worked out a time when we were both not busy that I could get together with her.She looks just fine to me. When we talk, there are no games or BS, she tells me just how it is with her work and her life. I would still say she is the single most well known and/or recognisable lb or gg working in NEP.
I guess everybody has his own truth about her.
"She is always horny." That sounds like a bad joke to me. I have been with her two times (second time was 2-3 years after the first) and both times she turned in a really lousy, shitty service, even though I was nice to her and treated her well, so I would definitely not call her a "sweetie", who is nice to you, if you treat her o.k.. I think she has a really rotten character and I will never spend a single baht on her again.
There are so many better ladyboys in Nana Plaza alone, who are not as famous as her, but provide a much better service and are a lot friendlier.
IMO, the two previous posts indicate how the p4p ladyboys are not robots who can turn it on and turn it off at will. They are real people, and it is only natural that they will relate better with some guys than with others.
Another example is that most guys here seem to speak well of Mint the Meat from Soi Crocodile. I spent about three straight nights with her, and I was quietly happy when she told me, no more for me. I was a butterfly and she was moving on to greener pastures. I would rate her far from being a GFE, which I like to find. Others have had better luck with her. After she went on her way, I got together with Bee aka Je Je, from C&D, and there is one of nicest, most fun, cutest, sweetest, good natured, sexy, affectionate ladyboys one could ever hope to find. BUT, when the guy who owns the guesthouse where I stayed seen her with me, he related to me later in private that for him she was terrible. When she got to his room, he said she just wrapped herself up in a towel and did not want to be touched or get affectionate in any way. He was only too happy to send her on her way. He complained to Nick the next day and got a free bar fine on his next lb he took from the bar.
Originally posted by (Lefty @ Feb. 23 2006,09:33)IMO, the two previous posts indicate how the p4p ladyboys are not robots who can turn it on and turn it off at will. They are real people, and it is only natural that they will relate better with some guys than with others.
Another example is that most guys here seem to speak well of Mint the Meat from Soi Crocodile. I spent about three straight nights with her, and I was quietly happy when she told me, no more for me. I was a butterfly and she was moving on to greener pastures. I would rate her far from being a GFE, which I like to find. Others have had better luck with her. After she went on her way, I got together with Bee aka Je Je, from C&D, and there is one of nicest, most fun, cutest, sweetest, good natured, sexy, affectionate ladyboys one could ever hope to find. BUT, when the guy who owns the guesthouse where I stayed seen her with me, he related to me later in private that for him she was terrible. When she got to his room, he said she just wrapped herself up in a towel and did not want to be touched or get affectionate in any way. He was only too happy to send her on her way. He complained to Nick the next day and got a free bar fine on his next lb he took from the bar.
well said, they simpley cannot like everyone !! I can half tell while sitting & chatting if they are going to be good or bad & generally I get lucky.Robin
You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.