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Suzanna holmes and milan ts scene

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  • Suzanna holmes and milan ts scene


    Would anyone have contact details for Suzunna holmes as I am visiting Milan in the summer - start of July and would love to catch up. If so, does she speak english so you can organise a meeting. Has anyone had a meeting with her and tell me everything in terms of how it was organised and what was it like. When in Milan are there ways to find out who is escorting so I can arrange a meeting



  • #2
    Good lord why?

    She looks like a mutant beast.

    If it's just for that tool you could buy a youth sized Louisville Slugger bat and pretend. She's hideous. You'd have to pay me money to fuck her.


    • #3
      I have to agree with Grunyen

      Many other choices at these sites:



      Good luck


      • #4
        Damn, you guys are MEAN. Leave the poor guy alone. Maybe thats part of his fantasy.
        Haven't either of you heard the story of Hurricane Mama ?
        My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


        • #5
          Well..quite a different scene form Far East. These 'men with boobs' mostly stress the fact of having large functional dicks, like everybody who goes with LBs would like to be split apart
          Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


          • #6
            I have been with Suzane Holmes 3 times, when she is in Italy, she normally works in Milan but has worked in Rome. If you intend to go with her, bare in mind she is not for the faint hearted & she by far prefers drilling you rather than you drilling her. She is very versatile & seems to enjoy whatever you want to do, but what she likes the most is giving it to you long & hard in numerous positions. Some would describe her as aggressive, I would say she is assertive, & she is big, not just in the cock department & her command of english is minimal. All my visits ran over the hour, take some time to get her revved up, she is Brazilian, so they actually enjoy it, once they are enjoying it, they stop looking at the clock, she also cums a real load too.

            These South American TS / TV are bigger & whole lot more "masculine" than the LB's in the LOS, ( I have been with many in Brazil, Venuzuela, Dom Rep, Argentina ) the are some real good lookers amoungst them, but be under no illusions as to what you are getting into. They can be aggressive / assertive tops.

            She is presently advertising in Milan. The links below, as per a previous reply, will show you how much choice there is in Milan, in fact alover Italy come to that, the second & fifth link will take you to her adverts.






            Happy hunting, & book your hospital appointment for about 1hr after your visit !! Only joking she is actually quite nice.

            You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


            • #7

              Sounds like you have been all over the world.

              Thanks for all the info. One final question what do they charge in for one hour or a overnight stay




              • #8
                It's official !!!

                I am to much of a wimp for that. !!!!!!

