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  • Noon

    Anybody know how to contact Noon from Cascades?

    I'll be there starting 12/3/05 and want to reach her.

    I found her contact elsewhere. Thanks anyhow!

  • #2
    So when you get to BKK go to nana plaza walk up the stairs to the 3rd floor and walk into Cascades look for Noon ask her to sit down buy her a drink a little small talk and then pay her bar fine and take her back to your hotel for some more small talk

    Dude the girls are not interested in chatting to you on phone or email especially if they have never met you. This is just the reality of it.


    • #3
      [email protected]
      phonenumber:05 042 6797

      nice babe


      • #4
        Wasted solid words of advice Ozzie. Like Noon is going to sit around with bated breath waiting for some guy to show up and sweep her off her feet. Oh well, live and learn as he will soon find out.


        • #5
          Originally posted by (ozzie @ Nov. 23 2005,12:50)
          Dude the girls are not interested in chatting to you on phone or email especially if they have never met you. This is just the reality of it.
          Just tell her your name is Mike from the USA and you met her 3 years ago. She had about 17 guys named Mike in her phone last time I was there.  

          Tell her you remembered it's her birthday on 29th of January and she will want to talk to you. This really is her birthday! Tell her you want to cerebrate her birthday with you and you have a nice gift for her.

