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  • Who is this?

    Hiya all.I posted this topic a few days ago but it seems to have been delisted.Just wondering if anyone knows this girl and if she is contactable coz I am deeply in lust

  • #2
    Another pic
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Her name is Boy. Info available on an other site. Would be an addition to his site, for sure.


      • #4
        Thanks philg.Now I just need to find a way of contacting her


        • #5
          The reason the thread was deleted is b/c those pics are from a competitor's web site with the logo removed. JD has a strict policy against this and it has been posted many times. Look for this thread to be deleted too when they see it.


          • #6
            BTW, the site has tried to get Anne aka Boy a couple of times, but when the photographer made an appointment with her for the shoot, she failed to show up both times. The site those pics are from call her Boy. She goes by Anne in person.


            • #7
              Cool thanks Lefty.Do you know where she is based?


              • #8
                Jenny Star Bar, Walking Street, Pattaya


                • #9
                  I'm sorry if I have offended anyone but it was my sincere belief that it was ok to post a pic as long as the logo of another company was removed.To all at Asian TS I do apoligise and to Lefty thank you for pointing this out to me


                  • #10
                    Don't know if you saw the thread entitled "Walking Street post-op" in the picture post section of the forum, but if not there are two pics there of Anne taken recently on Walking Street. There was some confusion at first b/c another forum where the pics were originally posted referred to her as a post-op. Those who posted here in that thread, who know her best, say she is still a non-op.

                    You are a good guy to offer an apology, but none of the other members will find your pics offensive at all. She is a real cutie. The only concern is that pics from another site, logo or no logo, are their copyrighted property and if they wanted to, I guess they could raise a stink if they found out about it. So, while it is sometimes helpful when one wants to identify or locate an lb not yet on this site, JD is most concerned with not stepping on the toes of other webmasters, so to speak. The webmasters and/or owners of the bigger lb sites all try to maintain good terms and cordial relations with one another.


                    • #11
                      Thanks once again Lefty for the explanation because the last thing I want to do is cause trouble for this site or anyone involved with it.I believe we have the best site on the net and want to keep it that way.Do you by chance know what it would cost to take a girl like Anne all night and do they have bar fines in Pattaya


                      • #12
                        They got me the first time I was there. Told me I needed to pay a bar fine at Jenny Star. I was told a little later that is not the case. So no bar fines for the freelancers on Walking Street and basically all of them are freelancers there. Other places such as the Soi 6 bars where the girl works in the bar have small bar fines that may vary from place to place. What I did with my favorite soi 6 girl was pay a one time bar fine to take her for a week or more and then will not ever need to bar fine her again.

                        Anne is very nice, good personality, but not the most exciting, passionate and adventuresome in bed. That was my limited experience with her and I've heard the same from others. However, if you just want to find out if you are the one that can really light her fire, go for it. Heck, if you ever saw all her pics from when she posed with the apeman on his site, one would think she was the most wanton sexually insatiable lb to ever walk down the street. Never heard from anyone who mentioned a similar experience though. Maybe the apeman and/or the model fee just got her juices flowing.

                        I would say that 2000 baht would be a good price for all night in Pattaya. The prices vary there, as with anywhere in Thailand, and Pattaya prices are on the lower end of the price scale. Short time is 500-1000 depending on the girl and on the punter and where you met her. All night or long time, would be somewhat more, probably 1000-2000. The reports I've seen lately on the lbs who frequent Jenny Star is that they have a high opinion of what they are worth, compared to the rest of Pattaya's lbs. She may think she is worth more and try to get more and it is up to you if you want to pay more. Maybe better since you are new to each other to agree on a price beforehand, although you would not want to pay until after.
                        Good luck on locating her. She may not be there every night at Jenny Star, or may arrive late in the evening. It is possible that some patience may be required or you could get lucky and she is there the first night when you arrive.


                        • #13
                          Agree, at Jenny Bar get clear about the price. I tell em I pay 500 baht shortime but if I'm very happy I pay a little more, a performance incentive.

                          Beer bar girls in Pattaya are 500 st/1000 lt but gogo girls would be 1000 st/1500 or 1500+ longtime. I prefer the beerbars to the gogos. Some beerbars will have a hidden ladyboy. Good luck!


                          • #14
                            Thanks heaps guys.I am planning to go to Thailand in mid Nov. if people stop throwing work at me.My great friend Sasha from Singapore said I really should try Thailand.Now she is just a wonderful person...we have never had sex but have always been mates and look out for each other in our respective countries


                            • #15
                              Thanks heaps guys.I am planning to go to Thailand in mid Nov. if people stop throwing work at me.My great friend Sasha from Singapore said I really should try Thailand.Now she is just a wonderful person...we have never had sex but have always been mates and look out for each other in our respective countries

