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Where is dow?

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  • Where is dow?

    where is Dow now? Does anyone know

  • #2
    10,593 as of 11am
    "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


    • #3
      Originally posted by (Snick @ Sep. 20 2005,22:06)
      10,593 as of 11am


      • #4
        very funny I mean the pattaya cutie?


        • #5
          The Honey Bar has been gone for about two years now, to bad it was a cool place...


          • #6
            Does anyone no where I can find Dow in Pattaya? Stogie Bear do you know? When we all want to find a ladyboy in action we donnot put her face on a milk carton we ask Stogie Bear


            • #7
              Sorry... I have lost track of this one. She may well be back in her home country (Laos) again! She did work at the Honey Bar in Pattaya, and I think that still operates! There was a Honey Bar in Bangkok near Soi Cowboy which finally closed about a year ago.


              • #8
                Sorry I did not know there was a Honey Bar in Pattaya. The Honey Bar that is closed now is the one in Bangkok behind Soi Cowboy....


                • #9
                  If Stogie don't know then noone knows


                  • #10
                    i saw her in april working a bar in the made in thailand complex,on my last trip she was not there.


                    • #11
                      Dao is back in Laos, she not like Pattaya , great girl but slightly temperamental and moody at times.

                      she was in pattay in april and not a happy chappy!



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by (reflectionsgold @ Sep. 22 2005,07:59)
                        If Stogie don't know then noone knows
                        That's nice of you to say, but there are people here who know a great deal more than I do about these things, and I'm not being modest.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by (rextcy26 @ Sep. 22 2005,14:59)
                          Dao is back in Laos, she not like Pattaya , great girl but slightly temperamental and moody at times.

                          she was in pattay in april and not a happy chappy!

                          Only One way to handle Moody Ladyboy's;
                          A pair of Hand-Cuffs and a Good Hard Spanking.
                          Ohhhh Yea' don't forget to Pull her Hair.
                          My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by (rextcy26 @ Sep. 23 2005,07:59)
                            Dao is back in Laos, she not like Pattaya , great girl but slightly temperamental and moody at times.

                            she was in pattay in april and not a happy chappy!

                            This is spot on. She is definately back in Laos at the moment. She does not like pattaya that much and tries to not go there unless she runs out of cash.

                            If you seriously want to meet her you will have to go to Laos or take her somewhere. Let me know and as I have have her Laos number and email and can put her in touch with you, but please only if serious!

