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BKK Ladyboy Massage

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  • BKK Ladyboy Massage

    OK Guys, as strange as it may seem, Old Seamus has never had a LB massage. In & out of BKK through most of April, any recommendations ?
    Day time only guys as I cant see the wife waiting to go for dinner while the LB does her stuff LOL
    Be lucky,have fun & stay young !

  • #2
    In January 2012 I had an hour or two off and was walking down Sukhumvit from Nana BTS Station, when I saw a tall LB exit a massage parlour.

    By way of reference there is some building work going on Sukhumvit in the area where the LB streetwalkers worked during the day, and where food stalls full of LBs appear late at night.

    I can't report on the Late Night Scene as I was never out at night, but certainly there were only a few really ugly LB streetwalkers there the couple of times I walked along that stretch.

    Anyway, I caught up with the LB and although she would not come to an hotel with me, she was prepared to go back into the Massage Parlour.

    I am not a lover of massage parlours, unless they are like Tootsies in Phuket, but time was against me, and I agreed.

    Unfortunately I can't remember the name, but it between a pharmacy and an Indian bar/Restaurant not far from the crossing to Soi 4.

    There are 5 Lbs working there and 6 girls on a shift from 14:00 hrs to 22:00 hrs.

    This LB's name was Jar and, as much as I hated the room, I really enjoyed the total GFE she provided.

    I was not allowed to take any photos except dressed when we had finished.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Then there are the two Aspara parlours, where the rooms are particularly poor but sometimes the girls are good.

      This is Ban who in January 2012 was still working at Aspara on Soi 4 opposite The Guess Bar.

      Then, of course, you could do a search of this Forum using "Massage Bangkok"
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Although in January 2012 The Guess Bar was only open occasionally between 1500-1700 hrs, I have heard that girls are now in by 1400 hrs and there are rooms above the bar.

        Check the Guess Bar thread for up-to-date information.


        • #5
          The Guess Bar is open at 1pm and has 12 girls available from this time, there is also the daytime "offer" of combined barfine + room upstairs for 600baht,

          This is the lastest information coming from mardhi
          Your got yer Mother in a whirl
          Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


          • #6
            Cheers guys, many thanx for the info, not say I'm going to , but then again, not saying i'm not
            Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


            • #7
              Yeah, like seamus: thanks for the info, might give it a try soon!
              And if I do, I#ll let you all know


              • #8
                Late last year I was living around the corner from Nana, on Soi 6, and would pass down Soi 4 every day about 3-4pm-ish, and there were always a few LBs outside of the Apsara (always thought it was called Aspara ) massage shop that The Game refers to above...

                No chance you'll be out any evening for drinks, Seamus? You've always been well spoken of...


                • #9
                  Well Farangbah, I think you have been talking to the wrong people as I am a right old gob shite
                  The wife's Loom is a fair way out from the center of BKK, so not quite sure how long it would take Me to get back to hers.
                  PM Me your Thai number & if it can be done, then sure would love to meet up for a few cold ones.
                  Would love to meet up with some old friends as well, but still feel guilty about not inviting them to My wedding, so wouldn't have the front to phone them for a meet :-(
                  Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                  • #10

                    I'll be in BKK March 31 to April 3 lad, any chance we shall finally meet?


                    A worthy trip report


                    • #11
                      Well I never, gotta be done Azza , will PM you My Thai number
                      Be lucky,have fun & stay young !

