Hello everybody,
Finally back from a long hiatus. I been busy setting up a new company together with some friends,had a wonderful sexy steady girlfriend for quit some time (tall blond and half italian so a completely different cup of tea) and finished my law degree and internship at rather nice firm.
Now the new business we started is going rather well, i dumped the girlfriend to enjoy some newfound freedom again and i am looking to see some sexy girls in Thailand again.
I am looking for one girl in particular and i am hoping that someone can help me out,despite the fact that i have an extremely shoddy memory and hence a rather imperfect description.
I am looking for a beauty from Laos,who usually hanged around with three other girls from Laos. The all worked in Pook bar i believe (around a year and a half ago) but my friend actually met them while there where at the beach (so she might be freelance now?).
I totally forgot her name but she had rather a pretty face with incredible eyes (i think she used blue contacts for them,she was quit petite,pretty big boobs and a really nice shaped banana cock. She looked the most glamorous of her friends and could be consider looking trophy wife in general. One of the girls in her group was a bigger girl (taller and a little bit more fleshy) who loved to top.
Yes people,it know it sounds rather vague but i am hoping one of the connoisseurs on here can impair some knowledge as to her whereabouts.
Ooh and i did pay here more then sufficiently so i am sure she wouldn't have unpleasant memories of me (ooh modesty
Anyways any comment would be much appreciated,
Cheers to everybody and happy hunting.
Finally back from a long hiatus. I been busy setting up a new company together with some friends,had a wonderful sexy steady girlfriend for quit some time (tall blond and half italian so a completely different cup of tea) and finished my law degree and internship at rather nice firm.
Now the new business we started is going rather well, i dumped the girlfriend to enjoy some newfound freedom again and i am looking to see some sexy girls in Thailand again.
I am looking for one girl in particular and i am hoping that someone can help me out,despite the fact that i have an extremely shoddy memory and hence a rather imperfect description.
I am looking for a beauty from Laos,who usually hanged around with three other girls from Laos. The all worked in Pook bar i believe (around a year and a half ago) but my friend actually met them while there where at the beach (so she might be freelance now?).
I totally forgot her name but she had rather a pretty face with incredible eyes (i think she used blue contacts for them,she was quit petite,pretty big boobs and a really nice shaped banana cock. She looked the most glamorous of her friends and could be consider looking trophy wife in general. One of the girls in her group was a bigger girl (taller and a little bit more fleshy) who loved to top.
Yes people,it know it sounds rather vague but i am hoping one of the connoisseurs on here can impair some knowledge as to her whereabouts.
Ooh and i did pay here more then sufficiently so i am sure she wouldn't have unpleasant memories of me (ooh modesty

Anyways any comment would be much appreciated,
Cheers to everybody and happy hunting.