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Looking for Laos LB in Pattaya...

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  • Looking for Laos LB in Pattaya...

    Hello everybody,

    Finally back from a long hiatus. I been busy setting up a new company together with some friends,had a wonderful sexy steady girlfriend for quit some time (tall blond and half italian so a completely different cup of tea) and finished my law degree and internship at rather nice firm.

    Now the new business we started is going rather well, i dumped the girlfriend to enjoy some newfound freedom again and i am looking to see some sexy girls in Thailand again.

    I am looking for one girl in particular and i am hoping that someone can help me out,despite the fact that i have an extremely shoddy memory and hence a rather imperfect description.

    I am looking for a beauty from Laos,who usually hanged around with three other girls from Laos. The all worked in Pook bar i believe (around a year and a half ago) but my friend actually met them while there where at the beach (so she might be freelance now?).

    I totally forgot her name but she had rather a pretty face with incredible eyes (i think she used blue contacts for them,she was quit petite,pretty big boobs and a really nice shaped banana cock. She looked the most glamorous of her friends and could be consider looking trophy wife in general. One of the girls in her group was a bigger girl (taller and a little bit more fleshy) who loved to top.

    Yes people,it know it sounds rather vague but i am hoping one of the connoisseurs on here can impair some knowledge as to her whereabouts.

    Ooh and i did pay here more then sufficiently so i am sure she wouldn't have unpleasant memories of me (ooh modesty lol).

    Anyways any comment would be much appreciated,

    Cheers to everybody and happy hunting.

  • #2
    Issit Dao?
    Attached Files


    • #3

      thx for the reply

      But you would rather shatter my illusion if she is the girl i am looking for.....

      It resembles her a litle but i never (fortunately) saw her without expertly touched up by make up and some hair styling....

      She also did not have long hair when we had our little rendezvous...

      You have a picture of misses while she is a bit more...aarghmm touch up?

      Would be much appreciated.


      • #4
        ok another pic
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Thx dude,

          She looks gorgeous....but alas she is not the beauty i am looking for.

          The girl i mean is much smaller,she has slightly bigger lips/more pouty as well.

          Thanks for making the effort though

          Much appreciated.


          • #6
            I think your looking for Kate.  Petesie's old flame from Pooks 6.  Last I heard she was working on Walking Street
            Attached Files


            • #7

              Picture courtesy of Petesie


              • #8
                ...Juri might know but where is he, haven't seen a post from him in a long time now..
                .. I'm not young enough to know everything, and not old enough to have done everything..


                • #9
                  thx Thaime....

                  I think this might be here.....with a lot less make up though....

                  Shit i never though i would say this but since i forgot how this girl looks like there all kind of look alike (yes officially a bastard )

                  Anyways thank Petesie's for me as well.....

                  And compliment him on his good taste because this girl (if it is her) was/is something special.....

                  Going to write to Yuri and ask him for some info.....

                  He always been great at sharing the ''wealth''

                  I think you guys solved my problem

                  But if any other people have different please let me know

                  (you see the girl could be here....but when i met here she wore a lot more make up,fake lashes was really dressed to impress and kind of had half long hair with Monroe type hairstyle.....)

                  Anyways thx again guys


                  • #10
                    Only one problem about Kate, she is too tall to be the girl you seek. You wrote that your girl was 'quite petite', Kate's nearly 6 foot tall. And big boobs, Kate didn't have them a year & a half ago.

                    The best clue is she worked in Pook Bar. One of the fellas attending the big party there might ask some of the girls about Lao girls & see who they remember. But there may not be anyone still there from back then.

                    They do move around a lot & if she is that pretty, don't be surprised if she has been spoken for.
                    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                    • #11
                      Did she have brown hair, black hair, blonde hair? What kind of handbag/cellphone?


                      • #12
                        (pacman @ Jan. 24 2011,06:15) One of the fellas attending the big party there might ask some of the girls about Lao girls & see who they remember. But there may not be anyone still there from back then.
                        Pook used to employ a large contingent of Laos ladyboys but I have no idea who is there now...

                        The problem with finding a Laos ladyboy in Thailand is simply that they are Laos...They can't stay here more than 30 days without a proper visa...And I've never met one with anything but an entry stamp in their passport...They must make frequent border runs or go home to Laos once a month...Given the current economic climate, I wouldn't think they would stay here for long...

                        My guess is that she is long gone...But I'm sure she has a clone somewhere in Pattaya...Good luck though...
                        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                        • #13
                          World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


                          • #14
                            There are many Lao ladyboys in Red Light Bar on Soi 6, if you are looking for a willing replacement.

