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  • Art

    anyone know how I can contact her? she used to work in Casanovas years ago

  • #2


    • #3
      (reflections @ Dec. 18 2010,08:52) anyone know how I can contact her? she used to work in Casanovas years ago
      My suggestion to improve the response rate on your questions is to place the body of your question in the text €“ not just the subject title. IMO it is more courteous.


      • #4
        And as RR would - post a picture


        • #5
          I don't know much about Art, but I know what I like...or... Art for Art's sake...

          Anyway, here's a picture of Art. Taken years ago mind, so she may look very different these days :

          Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


          • #6
            If it's the Art I know, tall, (even by Casanova standards), blonde, with great english, she had a slight drug mishap more than 2 years ago in SG I think, with, as it was explained to me stroke like symptons, when the one lady I spent a bit of time with from Casanova told me about it, Art was back home with her mum, barely able to talk with her friends and still suffering some paralysis.
            Life is short. Live it well.


            • #7
              Well only Kevin is a bit correct, I know Art since she was working in obsession
              many year ago .She was a good friend with Jessica (obsessions mamasan,see my trip report). Every time i am in bkk i call her and i see her,it is true that she had this
              problem with a kind of a drug from which she got almost paralised.4 years ago
              i try to see her going at casanova and i was told that she stoped working because of what happen to her. Last time i have spoken with her was in May 2007
              and she told me that she is much better but she had a problem walking.
              And like u can see she was never blonde...she is a fantastic lady and i was really very sad when i found out what happen to her.
              She was a good friend and still is.
              Here is her photo with Tali...
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Very kissable lips


                • #9
                  hey guys. wow that really sucks about Art. I always thought she had her crap together somehwhat (at least as well any ladyboy barworker can have her crap together). Thats her on th right and I dont remember her ever being a blonde but I always liked her and she has a great personality. I would love to call her or contact her if anyone knows her mobile or email address?

