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AMM From Pattaya

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  • AMM From Pattaya

    Hey guys. Do any of you know Amm who was of Stringfellows fame and then Obessions in Patts.? I spoke with her last night and she said she isnot working their anymore. I met her about two years ago and I was with Pacman having a drink and we hung out (Amm and I not Pacman) all week. That is when Pacman got kicked out of the bar which was very funny because he didnot do or say anything. Anyway I am going back to Patts next month and want to spend a week with her and after five "up to you" about price she said for 15,000 baht. Is that a good price for a week? I dont want to be cheap and she is always fair with me. I really like her loads and loads. Does anyone know her or anything to say about her? I know Mastorbator had some dealings with her. Before I commit I wanted to ask you guys your opinion. She sure is pretty and very sweet too and loads of fun. Definitely my top three ladyboys of all times. She told me she loves me too--how can you beat that Thanks

  • #2
    That is when Pacman got kicked out of the bar
    The Scoundrel.
    I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

    I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


    • #3
      World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


      • #4
        (reflections @ Mar. 09 2010,07:09) Anyway I am going back to Patts next month and want to spend a week with her and after five "up to you" about price she said for 15,000 baht. Is that a good price for a week? I dont want to be cheap and she is always fair with me.
        What I am saying, is my personal opinion but as you asked for such, I'll chip in my 2 cents.
        A good price is what you can afford and feel comfortable paying.
        I assume you want to know whether 15K is too much as I don't think you consider it too little, as she herself asked for it?

        It is certainly not outragious if you consider that you are getting a sexy and willing (hopefully) young lb for a week. Back home 1 hour might cost you that but then that would be back home and here is here and different rules apply.

        Just a few thoughts to look at this from different perspectives:

        1. 15K 4 a week divides into 2K+ per day which for Pattaya standards is a very good LT-rate. Considering that you will be paying for food and probably some little gifts here and there, it will cost you more in the 20K range - are you considering a tip at the end - is she expecting such? Perhaps. So, there is no discounted rate for a week as I can see.

        2. Are you absolutely sure that you want to spend one entire week with her? That I see as the main problem. If you have done it before, you are probably safe but if not? You are more or less signing a contract that will guarantee her 15K no matter what. What if you do not click after a day or 2, or if she gets moody or suddenly has to cut her trip short.

        If you spend yr time in Pattaya, I do not see a reason to "book" her for a week. For 2K a night or per day she will be available for you whenever you want her. And what if you want to taste some other fruits? Within the last 2 years she could have changed 180 degrees - perhaps she has not but I would not bet on that.

        3. Wasting 15K is probably the least of yr problem if it comes to that. Wasting yr time might be more critical.

        But as I said, just one opinions and it certainly should not be overrated.

        P.S. As you might have read on this board, some members "pay" their LT-gfs somewhere between 6K and 10K a month, and not necessarily in P but also in BKK which tends to be more expensive.

        Ok, perhaps I am a Cheap Charlie, which I am often not when it comes to it, BUT I have learned that keeping them on a short leash gets you the same if not better service + earns you some respect. But then you are on holidays and you want to have a good time and not watch every Baht, which brings me back to item 2.


        • #5
          I should add that I do not know Amm and just tried to look at the situation in general.
          Best of luck though!


          • #6
            If it's the same amm I met at maccas in pattaya then you have good taste

            That price is not unreasonable - you could go 10k given I assume you pay everything during this week!

            But again 1 week is a long time with all that temptation.
            In my opinion you are better off promising less and then giving her a bonus if you last the distance.
            If you choose to butterfly then you have a cheaper exit option.

            Good luck!!


            A worthy trip report


            • #7
              It is the same Amm you met Azza. And she looks even better now. A real sweetheart.

              Reflections, if she will accept 15K for the week & you can pay that, don't hesitate.

              Offering her 10K will be a deal breaker in my opinion & you shouldn't risk upsetting her for the sake of 5000 baht.

              All the comments about the other girls miss the point. If you want a different girl every night, fine, but for a great GFE, Amm is as good as they get.
              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


              • #8
                in that case forget everything I said above.

                If she is as Paccie says, and you have decided that you want to be with her for a week, 15K + whatever expenses or bonuses seem a worthwhile investment into having a splendid time.
                As you already agreed to the amount, trying to lower it now would just jeopardize the deal but more so leave a bitter taste and certainly not worth any amount saved.

                Enjoy then ...!


                • #9
                  You pay what you want - all I'm saying is it may not turn out to be a great week and factor that in & need an exit strategy.

                  If she is saying 15k I'm punting she is not really expecting that much.
                  60k in a month is a lot of Money in Los!


                  A worthy trip report


                  • #10
                    got it guys thanks
                    Pacman you are right on target as always--love your opinion. YOu are the "Professor" of ladyboys no doubt about it
                    the only issue I have is if I get tired of her 24/7 which is always the case when I am with someone long term. I like my down time to play golf during the day. I like eating alone and getting massages alone etc too and hanging out at night
                    I am ok with the price but what Chinaman said is correct too and an issue. However, I really like AMM more than any other LB I ever met and I have known her for two years and we speak on the phone once in a while and she is cute and sweet and very nice


                    • #11
                      If you already have some history with this ladyboy and she has agreed to terms then things have a much better chance of going the way you want it to.

                      If you aren't actually taking her away from Pattaya then why not pay her by the day (or night!) That way you can have her come over as and when the mood suits YOU!

                      It would be different if you were dragging her off to Hua Hin or something like that.

                      In fact - if you cough up for the week and something better (for you OR her) comes up one of those nights, then you are gonna be a bit pissed off.
                      World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


                      • #12
                        I have met Amm & I have met Reflections. With all due respect, there isn't going to be a better option pop up.

                        He is damn lucky to have her as he knows very well. Amm is too popular to risk jerking around & hoping she might be available tomorrow night.

                        Plus if Reflections wants to play golf or go for a meal, he can, if Amm knows she has been booked for a week, she will wait till she is called.

                        It is easy money for her but it is an excellent deal for him as he is getting the bulk rate, from a girl who is the best GFE he is going to get.

                        I can feel the love in the air. The professor has spoken...              
                        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                        • #13
                          thanks buddy (pacman)
                          greetings from Miami, Florida. Your countryman, Robert Allenby, is leading the pac so far at the Doral CA PGA tournament


                          • #14
                            Purposeful pointed parlance of professor pacman paints a poignant picture of this perfect princess.

                            Go for it reflections!!


                            A worthy trip report


                            • #15
                              I cant get enough of the guy (pacman). I have been in the LB scene since 1988 and never took such a professorial viewpoint of our crazy fetish. Pacman you should charge us other members $200 an hour for your expert counsel

