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Tum (EZY Bar, Pattaya)

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  • #16
    Tum is one of my best friends in Pattaya~~~
    Now a SUPER sister!


    • #17
      (gizmo @ Oct. 18 2009,17:35)
      (Mr. GRUMPY (Grrr!) @ Oct. 18 2009,07:08) there will always be Mr Grumpy.
      Welcome back Mr. Grumpy!    

      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


      • #18
        (Mr. GRUMPY (Grrr!) @ Oct. 18 2009,12:48) What a fucking stupid thread. Go back to your mommas tit you sad fuck.
        Dont beat around the bush Grumpy , tell the stupid fucking arsehole what you really think...didnt you once  have the C word in your repertoire

        I think your mellowing Mr G     never mnd keep up the good work.  ill send you my  hit list soon... theres are few in the Fishbox that need a GrumpyGram

        Three cheers for Mr Grumpy

        hip hip


        • #19
          is it Halloween already?
          No honey, no money!!


          • #20
            My girlfriend and I were talking to Tum on both Friday and Saturday night and she's delightful. My girlfriend was in awe of Tums bum and sat for an hour each night drooling over it, but alas, Tum doesn't go with women at all even though she kept checking out my girlfriends implants.....we laughed because they were bigger in size in cc's but Tums were pushed up and out.

            We were amused to hear Tum tell men that her going rate was 6000 baht, my girlfriend was shocked at her price and couldn't understand why the high rate. The men that she was saying it too were handsome and clearly nice guys.

            She's one of the nicest ladies in Pattaya.



            • #21
              Back in the old days when Tum worked in Barely Legal Bar on Soi 6 she was actually really really hot...The Tum pre-silicone period...

              Unfortunately for some of us Walking Street won and now she is what she is...She continues to be a very nice person though...

              But once, she did have the greatest ass...
              Attached Files
              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


              • #22
                its a shame she overcooked the silicone in her face.
                she looks like a reflection on the back of a spoon.
                you cant polish a turd.


                • #23
                  (HighHeelLover @ Oct. 26 2009,08:11) We were amused to hear Tum tell men that her going rate was 6000 baht, my girlfriend was shocked at her price and couldn't understand why the high rate. The men that she was saying it too were handsome and clearly nice guys.
                  Does she negotiate??? Maybe the less hansum ones get a better deal!


                  • #24
                    My girlfriend who is bi was really drooling over Tums body (especially her ass) and Tum was fascinated at my girlfriends bigger tits (Tum has 375cc implants and my girlfriend has 450cc's ones), but as my girlfriend said......'She has done a lot to her body, it's a shame she hasn't spent any on her face."

                    I didn't personally hear the comment about the 6000 baht, but my girlfriend and Tum was talking about how most ladyboys refuse to go with any women and looking at each others tits and then she said to me.....Tum just told that guy there 6000 to go with him, and the guy was young and handsome.

                    BTW, does anyone have a nude pic of Tum, all I have ever seen are the dressed ones and my girlfriend asked if I had ever seen her naked and I said I hadn't but I have heard from guy that have and she asked....."She doesn't wear underwear with that cut out dress, so how does she keep her cock from popping up? hahaha



                    • #25
                      (gazz469 @ Oct. 26 2009,16:21)
                      (HighHeelLover @ Oct. 26 2009,08:11) We were amused to hear Tum tell men that her going rate was 6000 baht, my girlfriend was shocked at her price and couldn't understand why the high rate. The men that she was saying it too were handsome and clearly nice guys.
                      Does she negotiate??? Maybe the less hansum ones get a better deal!
                      I bloody hope so.......cos I am going there tonight!
                      Mister Arse


                      • #26
                        hi guys
                        she is really nice and i stayed with her in june long time only 1500 baht and i aint nothing special lol


                        • #27
                 bilman went LT with Tum, wonder how much he had to donate to her Xmas kitty?
                          .. I'm not young enough to know everything, and not old enough to have done everything..


                          • #28
                            3000 baht. Will pick her up next trip too


                            • #29
                              heres a cpl i found.
                              prob get del tho
                              Attached Files


                              • #30
                                1 more
                                Attached Files

