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Looking for Eye

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  • Looking for Eye

    Dear All,

    I am attacheing the photos post by DP, is anyone knows where she is now/ where she is working? thanks in advance
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  • #2
    machodik, it seems you are not keeping up with the forum news! Eye has been reported as working in Cascade now after leaving Guess Bar several months ago.

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    • #3
      (rxpharm @ Dec. 18 2009,09:23) machodik, it seems you are not keeping up with the forum news! Eye has been reported as working in Cascade now after leaving Guess Bar several months ago.
      Thanks for your advise. well I need to keep up my surfing in this forum as I was a bit busy the past couples of week with work. thanks anway




      • #4
        OK.. that answers one of my questions too. The other one and in my mind, the more important one is, where is Eats? Did she leave Guess too?
        This is really going to be a great time. Seems like they are all coming back out lately wity May in Obsessions and Fanta. Oh yeah, is my vote for the all time most beautful Vee still around?
        Thanks for the help gentlemen!


        • #5
          Dang, wish someone would post a photo of the new Guess lineup sometime soon!

          Where is that dang Mardhi when you need him. Priorities Mardhi, priorities!
          Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


          • #6
            mardhi updated us with some Guess pictures a few weeks ago as I recall


            • #7
              (gradys @ Dec. 19 2009,07:40) The other one and in my mind, the more important one is, where is Eats? Did she leave Guess too?
              Eat...there is really only one of in Temptations...Saw her there last evening looking very hot...
              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


              • #8
                Ahhhhh Kahuna, the man! Yes, thanks so much for the info. I have been to BKK three times wanting to meet her. Maybe this time will be the lucky time.

                How about Vee? Is she still kickin at Cascades?


                • #9
                  Don't believe so...But little "sister" is still there...Neither are my type, but "Sister" is every bit as cute as Vee IMO...Saw her there (Cascade) last night as well...
                  "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                  • #10
                    I have heard that Vee is retired and back living in Cambodia. As there have been no reports of her been seen for quite some time, I think this is probably true.

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                    • #11
                      Speaking of Eye, there's a fake Eye in the Philippines advertising on Vicesisters here:;D.html

                      These phonies are the lowest of the unattractive they have to use fake pics to get the punters in...


                      • #12
                        Does anyone have Eyes number? PM please. Much appreciated

