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Help: Tena of Casanovas bar....

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  • Help: Tena of Casanovas bar....

    I am visiting Bangkok in two weeks time and am keen to touch base with the lovely LB, Tena of Casanovas (featured this month again in's gallery), outside the bar setting if at all possible.  Does anyone here have any direct contact details for her, that they could share with me, please ?  Maybe via a PM to me.......?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Bump for this guy, who has been very patient in wanting to meet Tena, he really seems to want to be with her.

    She is from Chiang Rai, been in Casa for years and years now..... has anyone got her tel. number? or maybe another ladyboy in the bar who would know her, one of the regulars?

    this may help you, Tay;

    Vicky Casanova 081-554-1384
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


    • #3
      Thanks so far, JaiDee. Appreciate your insight about my patience !? (good guess, or am I giving too much away somehow ?). This is a good example of the why being an LBF member among such a great fraternity of LB fans is so rewarding and enjoyable, even if one is only (mostly) "silent" like me.

      I will definitely try the Vicky link you have given; however, if anyone else has a more direct contact number for Tena, please still help also ?


      • #4
        Not too sure she´s in that bar anymore.
        "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

        Jaidee 2009

        The other white meat


        • #5
          (tay45sax @ Oct. 24 2009,11:13)  This is a good example of the why being an LBF member among such a great fraternity of LB fans is so rewarding and enjoyable, even if one is only (mostly) "silent" like me.
          Exactly, and there have been multiple {hundreds?} of threads over the years of people thanking the people who have put together this board and for all the members who read here and post their thoughts and offer help, etc.... it really IS the best resource on-line to start a trip to meet ladyboys and to have fun while you are there!

            I think Sev7en may be correct however, Tena is in her late 20's by now and most [but not all!] ladyboys are far from the scene by then, working real jobs or back at home with their parents, etc.... to be honest I'd be surprised if you found her, but good luck anyway!
          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


          • #6
            The "Vicky [Casanovas] link" hasn't worked - the telephone number appears to be wrong or out of action ?
            Anyway, any help from someone who has a direct contact for Tena [aka Tina sometimes?] and/or has details of where she currently works / plays / hangs out, will be greatly appreciated......


            • #7
              (tay45sax @ Oct. 24 2009,20:14) The "Vicky [Casanovas] link" hasn't worked - the telephone number appears to be wrong or out of action ?
              Very typical and commonplace, unfortunately.

              "me lose telephone in back of taxi or leave in hotel room of cussomer, what I can do?"
              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


              • #8
                Possibly in China. She shared an apartment with my ex and I used to stay there when I visited BKK. Looks like I'm too late in any case as your trip is winding down.

