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Boo (AKA Moo) in Pattaya...

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  • #16
    SRS with some of the best doctors will cost around 150,000 Baht. With some of the "budget" doctors, it will cost around 100,000 Baht.

    That photo of Moo is likely shortly after she did her stint in the Monkey House (aka Thai jail) for illegal substance use, I think that was back in 2005 or 2006.

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    • #17
      Moo got out of the monkeyhouse in May 2007.

      She came straight back to 131 where I met her in Franck's bedroom.

      He suggested that I could take her as she needed money but with her close cut hair, she didn't appeal. Plus, her & 30 others sharing a cell with 1 cup between them, what were the odds she might have been carrying an infection?

      So I gave her 2000 baht to help her get on with her life. Franck added 1000 of his own & then, 10 minutes later Moo disappeared on Franck's motorbike.

      "Where has she gone?" I asked him, "she wanted to see her friend, she will be back in soon" was the reply.

      Of course she never returned, with 3000 baht she was straight back on the street buying more Ice.

      A good lesson for anyone who falls in love with a girl's picture on the internet.
      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


      • #18

        Franck added 1000 of his own
        Thats a good one
        I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

        I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


        • #19
          (whore @ Oct. 06 2009,14:19)

          Franck added 1000 of his own
          Thats a good one  
          Thats not wot Batman4ever told me
          Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


          • #20
            I know Franck is a good subject for a joke, but I do hope no one is suggesting I invented the bit about him giving Moo 1000 baht.

            In response to me placing money on the end of his bed, he followed suit. Moo can confirm it.

            BTW, she & her girlfriend were watching TV on Franck's bed & both were wearing nothing but their knickers.

            I still smile at the memory...
            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


            • #21
              Relax Pac, its your statement 1000 baht of his own. Even I appreciate the history of Franck not having 1000 baht of his own and the irony of the comment.


              • #22
                (pacman @ Oct. 07 2009,18:22) I know Franck is a good subject for a joke, but I do hope no one is suggesting I invented the bit about him giving Moo 1000 baht.

                In response to me placing money on the end of his bed, he followed suit. Moo can confirm it.

                BTW, she & her girlfriend were watching TV on Franck's bed & both were wearing nothing but their knickers.

                I still smile at the memory...      
                Boarhog hit the nail on the head Pacman, it was a joke at francks expense. I wouldnt doubt you for a second.

                Back on topic, I spoke to Moo on my last trip, and was very tempted to go with her for a short time but some guy got there before me. Just a shame she has such a bad rep for her drug use, cause she really is very beautiful. Her drug use wouldnt stop me going with her for a short time, but a long time might be pushing it.
                I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                • #23
                  (dansyankee @ Oct. 04 2009,03:01) Does anyone know and/or have contact info on this girl in Pattaya?  She goes by the name of Boo.
                  It's Yabba Dabba Moo..

                  Why does Fred think he can fly?


                  • #24
                    Saw Moo Wednesday evening last week in JSB/England bar, has had operation about 6 weeks ago. asked the question about the op, some problem understanding about who paid for operation. Apparently "2 guys but one not pay" ? ? said she was ready to work again but I thought 6 weeks was cutting it fine (pun intended) Her friend said Moo OK physically, but head a bit ting tong.

                    She did look slimmer than normal but still a lovely girl.


                    • #25
                      (deek50 @ Oct. 19 2009,13:03) some problem understanding about who paid for operation. Apparently "2 guys but one not pay" ?  ?  
                      Now I've heard of guys dodging buying a round of drinks but that really takes the biscuit .
                      Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                      • #26
                        You could be right, his name was Gary Baldy a bit of a ginger nut !

