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Mon over near Kings Castle 3?

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  • #16
     Oh, I get it alright.  You wanted to try out your new phrase.

    BM says the shot's from '03 -- so you obviously don't know this person.  And the having or not of "shark eyes'' is your irrefutable evidence of whether someone has had their penis cut off or not.

    If you're going to go around here casting stones and picking fights with people you don't know, you will receive it back in kind -- take your own criticisms like a man.  

    "Some people still don't get it."  Get what, exactly?  Please explain it to us.  We're all ears...


    • #17
      The shark eyes isn't my catch phrase, nor is souless shark eyes. Possibly that rings a bell? Some one else can explain it or direct you to the thread of origin.

      Your pretty far off base...laughable really.
      Collecting lbs one ass at a time


      • #18
        (p4player @ Sep. 04 2009,18:48) The shark eyes isn't my catch phrase, nor is souless shark eyes. Possibly that rings a bell? Some one else can explain it or direct you to the thread of origin.

        Your pretty far off base...laughable really.
        Don't worry: there's not a soul on this forum that thinks you came up with that phrase. You were merely looking for an opportunity to use it. And do you really think people around here have no concept of the inner turmoil -- and the resulting consequences -- that can take place within someone who changes their gender?

        You know, I was resistant to your antagonism at first, not really going in for that sort of thing myself -- someone I'd never heard of making unsolicited attacks on what I'd consider rather benign posts, trying to make a name for himself by slagging other people. But now I'm rather enjoying it. I'm in, buddy. Sold!

        But you're going to have to do better than this. This isn't even irksome. It's barely tiresome. In fact, if I didn't know better, I'd say you almost sound defensive.

        So, once again, please explain what I "still don't get" and how I'm "so far off base". Cuz it ain't about your use of "shark eyes".

        You bought the ticket, now take the ride. Or there are people around here that will make short work of you. . .


        • #19
          The pacifest turns to the aggressor.

          You bought the ticket, now take the ride. Or there are people around here that will make short work of you. . .
          Yes, you and your band of no goods you have alligned yourself with is very troubling deserve each other.
          Collecting lbs one ass at a time


          • #20
            (p4player @ Sep. 05 2009,00:55) Yes, you and your band of no goods you have alligned yourself with is very troubling deserve each other.
            Nope, I'm afraid that's not gonna do it either. Where's the bite? Not only is it disappointing, it's inaccurate.

            To say I align (one "l", by the way) myself with people is to imply that I am unaligned with others. But I've never had a problem with anyone on this forum until you came along, and you're proving such an unworthy adversary I hardly need support.

            "A band of no goods..." that "deserve each other." You're the only one here that I can see is up to no good. And not only is it not deserved here, it isn't wanted. People come here to enjoy themselves, not fight (over nothing).

            Don't let it be too late when you learn that you get farther in life with the sugar than the salt. So, make nice. Make friends, not enemies. You're not amounting to much of one anyway.

            Let's move on. . .


            • #21
              to get back to the point...

              yes, she is post-op. unfortunate, as she had a wand of wonder indeed.

              isaw her in kings castle III ages ago, say 2 years ago. she looked very hot.

              she's small and scampered around her larger colleagues.

              id probably do her now, if i saw her.


              • #22
                Her name is "Mon." Worst sexual experience I've ever had in LOS. If I wasn't such a gentleman (ha) it would have been appropriate to have dropped kicked out the 12 floor window. Yes, she was that bad. She has been around for about 9 or 10 years at this point.


                • #23
                  Yups, she certainly is old-school!

                  Probably pushing 31 or 32 by now.
                  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

