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Cartoon... contact info anyone?

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  • #16
    I like it when they are a little bit ting tong can make for an interesting night.


    • #17 different her faces as different her mood's too.....

      ..she can be an angel, but at least she is just a little boy with all that fun and scare live bring to her....
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Thank you all for info and pics. Hopefully tomorrow it will happen and I will know for myself.

        Really looking forward to this one, I have to say.


        • #19
          (BAM @ Aug. 10 2009,14:17) Here she is back in 2007 when she just started working at Obsessions. I was like the first guy on the forum to sample this little butter tart and yes she was one of the best! ... a super fucking horny little thing! She was shy too... a really cute and innocent little girl... see her run and hide when I tried to take a photo of her nude...  so shy ...  now she's on just about every glory suck hole site getting fucked on a toilet, raped by Santa Claus, and sticking massive dildos up her bum all before the hairy stalker creature only known as "the Shadow" come out from under his rock in south Pattaya, at half past midnight, looking for her thick white cum to quench his ever lasting thirst.
          Is he the one that was called 'ape man' and dons a dreadful Musketeer wig?


          • #20
            ah catroon sweet minx from cascades here's a photo salivate mmmmmmmmmmmm
            Attached Files
            just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


            • #21

              Minx - yes, horny - like crazy most of the time, fuck machine - when she wants to be damn right!

              Sweet?    I'll reserve any personal comments on that until I transfer my June TR here from the other LB forum.

              But, you could read daveduke007's TR here post 235:


              and here starting at post 293 then 295, 301, 304, end of 309, 330




              • #22
                Having just read that part of dave's TR (thanks for the links   ) I'm sure his Mancunian approach and laid back style helped defuse many borderline sitations with Cartoon that may have degenerated in other hands  
                Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                • #23
                  Without any doubt whatsoever Dave has an incredible amount of patience and I congratulate him on that account.   I wish I was able to exert that level of self control.

                  He even went so far as to give her a ride back to BKK, see here starting at post 350, then 352, 353 the end!


                  I would never have been so forgiving as to offer her a ride in the first place. As well, even if I had been able to forgive to forgive her, I would've been gone the first time she didn't answer the phone at 4:35, already 15 minutes late.

                  Again Dave, I take my hat off to you mate, you're a far far better man than me.


                  • #24
                    can someone give me Cartoons number? I will be in Bkk tomorrow but I have limited time. Thank you

