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Contacts: free (or cheap) LB dating online

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  • Contacts: free (or cheap) LB dating online

    Hi all,

    As I am retired (happily) from the hunting and mongering scene I would like to introduce NEWBIES to sites where I have found most of the ladyboys I have met in the last 11 years.
    They can then get off their lazy blurters and search themselves without driving me and other members mad with one line, generic PM's asking for contact details . (" Xxxxx is hot! How do I contact her?")
    Newbies a tip: LB's, especially in these harsh economic times are not interested in you bashing the bishop from downtown Buttfuck USA while you waste their time on the phone.
    Contact them and meet them.

    4/5. Many ladyboys from around the world, especially favoured by Filipina ladyboys. About $5 USD a month for the privledge although many escorts have thier details listed for free. Escort ads and personals.

    3.5/5 A favorite of the circuit girls (Singapore/BKK/HK/Shanghai/Manila/KL)... Again mostly Filipina escorts. Dont tell them you saw their ad on VS or they will expect the rate they put there which will be OTT. Tell 'em you got it off a dunny door. Escorts only. (dont believe the story they are there to make friends...)

    3.5/5 A favorite of filipina LB's (are you starting to see a pattern here?) and also the girls who are working the middle east. Good luck to them. Personally I would rather suck a Yak than a sand encrusted foreskin.

    4/5 Find your Thai ladyboy here, with liberal lashings of the tribe from the Philippines too (naturally.) Cheap rates, many contacts allowed.
    2.5/5 Quite a few thai ladyboys, and for those who prefer them parted from the meat and 2 veg. (post-ops for beginners.)

    3/5 Surprise surprise... the PI ladyboys are on this one too. Mostly as escorts. Go to the city you want, select "services" - "erotic" . Or if it is lurve you seek try thier personals.

    Thats enough to get you started.

    Others I am sure will add to the list.

    Good luck!

    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."

  • #2
    Well done Foxxee for starting this .
    i love t-girls


    • #3
      Gave up mongering? Running for public office?


      • #4
        Want to run for the post of Grand Sherrif of the Sydney Mardi Gras and need my butthole to regain elasticity....

        "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


        • #5

          Well done, Foxxee... but I bet that doesn't stop the PMs, though!


          • #6
            (f0xxee @ Jul. 06 2009,20:41)      

            4/5.   Many ladyboys from around the world, especially favoured by Filipina ladyboys. About $5 USD a month for the privledge although many escorts have thier details listed for free. Escort ads and personals.
            On this site, the same Thai-lbs working Nep asks some serious money.

            Hardly the way i want the new guys to meet lbs.

            This face looks familiar, i think its that very tall blondish lb in Guess Bar.

            "Bookings are made by appointment and I require at least one hours notice, depending on my schedule although pre-booking is highly recommended.


            USD 200 for 1 hour
            USD 300 for 2 hours
            USD 500 for overnite.

            Rates are FULLY INCLUSIVE of taxi, tip and complete full service.

            THANK YOU,

            GiGi, "
            Attached Files
            "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

            Jaidee 2009

            The other white meat


            • #7

              Another ex- Mrs Foxxee. From Singapore days, 3.5 years ago. She used to work Romeos at 4 Floors. She contacted me about 3 months ago to tell me she had a new job in BKK with Channel.
              Her name is GiGi.
              I guess that would mean the job in BKK was bullshit.

              I will say this for her... She was living with all the girls at "Aunties" up on River Valley Road. I let her look after my place in Singapore having known her for 3 days while I went to Tokyo for 3 weeks.

              She was respectful of it, honest, and clean. Not a dirty towel or full rubish bin or skid mark on a sheet.

              So who knows? maybe a keeper.....

              Just not for me!

              "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


              • #8
                Ladyboys on Cams...



                • #9
                  so the Filipina LBs are everywhere!

                  btw, for the newbies here, when you actually go to Manila, expect their advertised rates to drop by at least 75%


                  • #10
                    Good post Foxee........had a quick browse and found Bee from Ezy on page 4 of Thai-Kisses.............
                    My idea of foreplay is getting my wallet out......


                    • #11
                      From a 100% "freshman", as I am bad with words, I will (ab)use some emoticons...

                      PLAN B: Via my oversized rear end moving at the same speed as my feet:
                      Looking around:  
                      Selecting your team:          
                      Preparing the pitch for the encounter:        
                      Opening the door and bringing her in:  
                      Oh! Yes! This is my First Time Ever !!!, Please show me !!!:            
                      Paying the "service":  
                      Closing the door behind her:      or or  
                      Going to toilets:    or  
                      Going back downstairs where I don't belong...:  

                      Well... let us see now the result of this laboratory test...
                      Plan A is a bit static.
                      Plan B has a longer list of possible emoticons.
                      Therefore, it can reserve many more surprises and discoveries than the Plan A.

                      Ok, a no brainer for me: My choice is done. Thank you f0xxee for clearing the path from a mistake I could have done...
                      a froggy, lost in translation and in Africa... and no, I am not the one on the pic swinging a club ... I am the one holding the pin !!!


                      • #12

                        I've always found convenient. You can search by TS category, it's to free to contact and there is plenty of choice.

               and mythailadyboy also have plenty on offer but I think you may have to upgrade to contact members.
                        Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                        • #13
                          dateinasia is always worth trawling through, although the ladyboys list in both male & female categories. A couple of examples





                          • #14
                            Greetings fellow mongers -- --

                            I shall be in LOS for the month of October, been awhile since I'vce been in Pats and my nephew, Lefty, has told me that he would lok around and find some free fire zones for me, so I will be searching er, doing my usual Recon by Fire !!!

                            I usually get the stray few who will come out of the woodwork and shoot back, great to gave a good fire fight, ' Let's Dance ". HA HA , well see some of you in LOS in October, staying at the Sunshine so I don't have to go to far to re-arm and refuel !!

                            Lefty, keep the G-2 cumming nephew, Hugs & Love, Uncle Danno !!!

                            You no care me DIE !!!

