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Freelancer Ying (Walking Street)

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  • #16
    While i was lounging around her room i asked her what music she liked to which she replied "Arab music"


    • #17
      I have another story for you Guys from the first evening of my May trip, I   arrived on Fri May 1st, approx 3.30 pm by the time I got to my appartment the L K Pavilion.
                Time I unpack and rest it was about 6pm, time for a shower and out to Jomptien Bar 54 first port of call, followed by La Bamba and straight onto the Red Wine time now approx 9pm and getting nicely in the groove. one thing only on my mind and that was to meet one of my Favourites from Linda Bar, "Bo" later on, so carry on with the festivities at La Bamba then decide to go down and see Karl at the Big Ezy, couple of G&Ts and really enjoying chatting with Karl and eyeing up the bevvy of Beauties at the Ezy.
                Time has flown and it is now around Midnight, I walk towards the Linda Bar and Bo see's me comes out into the Street and hands me the key to Her room, I have a couple of Drinks in Linda Bar then head of back to Bo's room where I have great difficulty in getting the simple door lock opened, finally I crack it and get inside the room to do what I always do with Bo and that is get undressed and wait for Her on the bed.
                 I am lying on the Bed Cock in hand    and thinking of the good session to come when my Phone goes, "I think who the Fuck is that now"   , well it was "Bo", She say's to me, "Where are you", I reply "I am on your Bed raring to go", Her reply "No you aren't I am outside my room and the padlock is on my door",  Blind panic sets in, I am in Her old room She had forgot to tell me that She had mooved rooms.  I grab my clothes step out into the corridor and there She is down the other end laughng.

                  I realy will have to calm down on the Red Wine  

      If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


      • #18
        i asked her what music she liked to which she replied "Arab music"
               the power of subliminal suggestion...        

        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • #19
          (BigTel @ Jun. 11 2009,17:26) ...then head of back to Bo's room where I have great difficulty in getting the simple door lock opened, finally I crack it and get inside the room...
          Isn't breaking & entering illegal in LOS?...      

          That's quite a skill you have there Big Tel, exactly what line of work are you in again?      

          Of course, these locks are difficult without the right motivation...

          a few reds & the promise of a hot LB & no lock was going to keep you out...    
          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


          • #20
            Fuck her like she is Al-Qaeda!!!!
            My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham


            • #21
              (PanzerPorn @ Jun. 11 2009,05:54) Fuck her like she is Al-Qaeda!!!!  

              Rock on Panzer

              If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


              • #22
                (BigTel @ Jun. 11 2009,17:26)             I realy will have to calm down on the Red Wine  

                Dont do that Tel.... these stories are pricless...


                • #23
                  (Foggy @ Jun. 11 2009,11:25)
                  (BigTel @ Jun. 11 2009,17:26)             I realy will have to calm down on the Red Wine  

                  Dont do that Tel.... these stories are pricless...      
                  Cheers Foggy    

                  If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


                  • #24
                    That Ying story is hilarious, Tel
                    But surely the other lb wasn´t equiped like Ying? You should´ve noticed. Great story.
                    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                    Jaidee 2009

                    The other white meat


                    • #25
                      (sev7en @ Jun. 11 2009,12:11) That Ying story is hilarious, Tel  
                      But surely the other lb wasn´t equiped like Ying? You should´ve noticed. Great story.
                      Good point Seven, but in the excitement and heat of the moment, I rationalized that maybe Ying had cum previous to our session and then wasn't as big as usual,  the funniest thing I recall when walking up the curved staircase to the suppossed Ying's room was that I thought "Boy Ying is looking really good from behind"  

                      If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


                      • #26
                        A lovely metaphor for life...

                        just when you were expecting Ying, you met Yang...      

                        Any Buddhist will tell you this was going to happen sooner or later...    
                        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                        • #27
                          (BigTel @ Jun. 10 2009,18:38) I will share a rather amusing story regarding Ying from my May 2009 trip, I had been in the Linda Bar about 11 pm and had arranged to see Ying later at Her place at 2 am, well out and about and many many Red wines later I am heading off on my mission and appointment with Ying, I get almost level with Linda Bar from across the road and Ying and I make eye contact, we smile and then Ying gets up amd starts to walk to Her place where I follow in tow slightly behind Her.
                                    We get upstairs and we go to room 204 where upon I ask Her why aren't we going into Her room at 205, Her reply was, it's busy in there, well my only thoughts were go get your boots, as i really like when Ying puts Her thigh high boots on and nothing else on   .  So Ying goes gets Her boots whilst I am geting undressed in room 204, well we do the business and I leave feeling great.
                                      I then recieve a funny text from Her about 3.30 am asking me where am I, I asume She is messing with my Head and just smile and get off to sleep.
                                    Next day I am talking with Dave Duke about 6pm and I recieve a call from Ying asking me why I hadn't turned up last night, I start lauging and tell Her that She knows I did and that we had a good time together.
                                    Next Day I am walking past Linda Bar in the Afternoon and there are two Lady Boys across the road by the pool tables one is Ying and the other is the Ying look alike, yes it turns out in my drunken haze I had infact taken the wrong one who I was sure was Ying at the time. Well the three of us cracked up over this and I then had to take Ying as I hadn't had Her the previous occasion.
                                      All's well that ends well    

                          Tel.....that really cracked me up.....
                          My idea of foreplay is getting my wallet out......


                          • #28

                                                  Cheers Petsie,  I must admit it cracked me up also  

                            If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


                            • #29
                              (BigTel @ Jun. 09 2009,08:03) I always find Her fun to be with and She certainly knows what to do with Her rather nice sized tackle.

                              ...thanks for the tip, I'll be there next are my "mentor"....
                    ,  you're really a guy?..............  


                              • #30
                                (divertwo @ Jun. 25 2009,16:12)
                                (BigTel @ Jun. 09 2009,08:03) I always find Her fun to be with and She certainly knows what to do with Her rather nice sized tackle.

                                ...thanks for the tip, I'll be there next are my "mentor"....  
                                Cheers   DiverTwo      
                                If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !

