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Is Bobo (Venus Flytrap) still in the game?

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  • Is Bobo (Venus Flytrap) still in the game?

    ANyone know what Bobo who ended up part of VEnus Flytrap group is doing nowdays.....and how id VFT doing these days???

  • #2
    She likes to think she´s a famous sony recording artist and therefor not p4p, but.....last month in a karaoke bar on on soi 72 in in Bkk.

    Thai rak baht.
    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

    Jaidee 2009

    The other white meat


    • #3

      funny...... has a good voice though; I have heard her sing many times, she can really hit the high notes and loves singing more than anything
      Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


      • #4
        Yes, but that Venus Flytrap band didn´t take off like they hoped, so now shes´s doing karaoke bars and meet old fuglys like me for40 bucks instead of sold out arenas
        "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

        Jaidee 2009

        The other white meat


        • #5
          If she comes down closer to soi 4 tell her I'll give her 50
          Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


          • #6
            (sev7en @ May 20 2009,20:28) Yes, but that Venus Flytrap band didn´t take off  like they hoped, so now shes´s doing karaoke bars and meet old fuglys like me for40 bucks instead of sold out arenas  
            Damn.  I knew I shouldn't have paid top dollar.  Did she tell you that they all think she lady?  

            Yeah, I met her friends walking out of Guess's lot the next night...

            Nice loom though, no, 7?  She still gets a stipend from Sony that pays for it (and her internet).

            Fun-ass night (except for the minion that kept milking my bottle after one offer)... What could be better than Bobo serenading you?  

            Good times/ Great oldies...


            • #7
              Yup, her entourage is a bunch of leechers. Both towards the falang and her. She sang "I´m not a girl, not yet a lady" into my mic
              "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

              Jaidee 2009

              The other white meat


              • #8
                DOnt quite undrstand the reference above to" her room ..No 7" can u clarify?


                • #9
                  Donnny has some snaps of her on through the lens of donnny thread. I wouldn't mind having her over for the night, then listening to her sing in the shower the next morning. Then cancel her act like Sony did after she gets dressed.

                  some updated photos would be nice, but guess you have to go through her people/leeches


                  • #10
                    Sorry it was donnnys sex sex and more sex thread, and its on page one.


                    Here are three snaps donnnny got of the resident superstar.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      hmm...spose no one's got her number or ciontact details...Bobo has always been a fave of mine....


                      • #12
                        Still singing for her supper it seems
                        Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                        • #13
                          (sev7en @ May 20 2009,20:28) Yes, but that Venus Flytrap band didn´t take off  like they hoped, so now shes´s doing karaoke bars and meet old fuglys like me for40 bucks instead of sold out arenas  
                          I thought you never met her or maybe she was lying because you gave her some extra cash just not to spread the news that superstars like you love to fuck tranny hooker for 40 bucks?

                          Bobo is definitely in my TOP 5 and a lot of fun to be around.
                          Looking a lot better aging and a real sex freak if you like dominant wild tops (maybe that's why my buddy Seven has bitter words for her).

                          She's smart enough to change her attitude according to the old fuglys she has the pleasure to meet ( or maybe that's WHY my buddy Seven has bitter words for her).
                          My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham


                          • #14
                            (PanzerPorn @ May 27 2009,00:06)
                            (sev7en @ May 20 2009,20:28) Yes, but that Venus Flytrap band didn´t take off  like they hoped, so now shes´s doing karaoke bars and meet old fuglys like me for40 bucks instead of sold out arenas  
                            I thought you never met her or maybe she was lying because you gave her some extra cash just not to spread the news that superstars like you love to fuck tranny hooker for 40 bucks?

                            Bobo is definitely in my TOP 5  and a lot of fun to be around.
                            Looking a lot better aging and a real sex freak if you like dominant wild tops (maybe that's why my buddy Seven has bitter words for her).

                            She's smart enough to change her attitude according to the old fuglys she has the pleasure to meet ( or maybe that's WHY my buddy Seven has bitter words for her).
                            "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                            Jaidee 2009

                            The other white meat


                            • #15
                              You will add a lot of these after my future posts belive me!!!!!!
                              My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham

