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Freelancer Fern

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  • #76
    Yeah, young hansum stud is upset.
    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

    Jaidee 2009

    The other white meat


    • #77
      (LadyboyCrush @ Jun. 20 2009,00:21) hehehe... Actually, dont take the facepic profile too seriously... I was actually the one who wrote the words you quoted...   So... dont hold that against fern.. 555
      I just knew there was a great mind working behind the scenes on that one  

      "You are the wind beneath my wings..." ?

      Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


      • #78
        (Drift Spunk @ Jun. 21 2009,16:26) Another thing, drugs? she is not the only LB who has done this from GB :
        We are not talking about a twice a week smoke here. Fern is a heavy user of Ice, I have seen with my own eyes how much she does, she no longer works at the Guess Bar because of her habit. Jay does not want her there. She gets some odd money by freelancing around Nana and she can get some customers just by riding the Skytrain around. When she wants to be she can be very stunning.

        She also deals in the stuff, not big time but enough to get into serious shit if she was caught. Her usage has made her very paranoid and she does not often go out, certainly not during daylight, prefering the cover of night to seek customers.

        She is always broke and this is why she never has money to pay her room, she asks me every month to send money, some times i do and sometimes i dont. She always tells me that she no longer sees Driftspunk and cannot stand him, I dont believe this but she is prepared to dismiss him in order that i may wish to pick up where we left off.

        No way, I feel sorry for Fern but it is her own doing, the drug is winning, and i fear for her future.

        When i first met her in February 07 in the Guess Bar at Soi 1 i was knocked sideways by her and I did fall for her. As Stoogie said in a post, "She plays the game very well" , I wished she had stayed like Jenny , Eats and Ohm and others from Soi 1 and just worked hard, taken good money and kept away from the drugs, but she did and could not.

        I think it is only a matter of time before she loses her room , which I know means a lot to her, and continues her downward spiral.


        • #79
          I was speaking to one of the guys on My last visit to Guess Bar, wont mention names, but he knows who is is. (you owe Me a beer buy the way LOL)
          His words & I Quote "There are some people in this world that should never go near drugs, Fern is one of those people"
          The Man was bang on, some people have addictive personalities, if it wasn't drugs it would be something else.
          The cat thing is funny, but if She loses her life to drugs, now that will be a crying shame  

          I think too many egos on this thread, I don't give a flying fook who, if anyone's Ferns BF.
          I wish her luck & good health & hope She can turn her life around ,soon.

          & if someone comes & offers Mary a better life & takes her away from the Bali bar scene "Fucking good luck to her" I hope he shows her the love everybody ,even p4p girls deserve.
          Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


          • #80

            My sediments exactly Seamus.

            I can't figure out DS attachment. Is it emotional or financial.

            He rips us for making light of the cat situation, however it sounds like she was the last person who should have a pet. Who in their right mind takes a cat on a moterbike? Is he gonna stomp her head for killing the cat? or just blame us?

            Drift Spunk - Wow.... I do not visit the forums much anymore and it is becoming less frequented
            This quote here tells us the ego involved. Like his mere precsence is why the forum is supported or not?

            harris-She is always broke and this is why she never has money to pay her room, she asks me every month to send money, some times i do and sometimes i dont. She always tells me that she no longer sees Driftspunk and cannot stand him, I dont believe this but she is prepared to dismiss him in order that i may wish to pick up where we left off.
            She is always broke? and DS gets it for free? hmmm. He must be incredably hansome for a broke p4p girl to give it up for free.


            • #81
              (Boarhog @ Jun. 22 2009,05:41) Is he gonna stomp her head for killing the cat?
              I think the head stomping is aimed at Me, for some unknown reason.

              Not everyone can like Me I guess
              Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


              • #82
                seamus-I think We may have upset him
                sev7en - Yeah, young hansum stud is upset.
                Upset on the internet, I doubt that    Does being bald make you have a low self esteem?

                (harris11 @ Jun. 22 2009,07:32)
                (Drift Spunk @ Jun. 21 2009,16:26) Another thing, drugs? she is not the only LB who has done this from GB :
                We are not talking about a twice a week smoke here. Fern is a heavy user of Ice,[/quote]

                As you've said many times in the past.... Every ladyboy I've been with does.

                harris11-she no longer works at the Guess Bar because of her habit. Jay does not want her there.
                Should the bar be shut if that's policy?

                harris11-She also deals in the stuff, not big time but enough to get into serious shit if she was caught. Her usage has made her very paranoid
                I think the word "dealing" is misleading; every ladyboy I've met is paranoid.

                harris11-She is always broke and this is why she never has money to pay her room, she asks me every month to send money,
                Of course she is, just like all BG's and even the ones making 30k+ a month. Maybe I should look into getting some BG's to extract business here for my company in these slow times, put one through Uni and you have yourself a very clever BDM.

                harris11-she no longer sees Driftspunk and cannot stand him
                How can she see me when I'm in oz, it's my choice whether I want to see her or not.

                harris11-I dont believe this but she is prepared to dismiss him in order that I may wish to pick up where we left off.
                left off from which part, the part where a threat of physical violence towards her if you didn't get the answers you wanted from when you rang me?

                harris11-No way, I feel sorry for Fern but it is her own doing, the drug is winning, and i fear for her future.
                you should feel sorry for yourself and maybe use a drug to help with your OCD.

                harris11-She plays the game very well" ,
                She does, it's her job as a working girl

                and just worked hard, taken good money and kept away from the drugs, but she did and could not.
                Looking at your history of posts you have vilified her in many of your posts, 90% of all your posts on here have been fern related and many PM's are to her customers.....

                harris11-I think it is only a matter of time before she loses her room , which I know means a lot to her, and continues her downward spiral
                If she loses her room or not that is the decision she will have to make if she cannot afford it, it will build character either way.

                seamus-I think too many egos on this thread,
                I wish, is her luck & good health & hope She can turn her life around ,soon.
                A low self esteem IMO, can come from being short, Fat, skinny, bald ect ect... Is grammar taught in school there?

                Boarhog-I can't figure out DS attachment. Is it emotional or financial.
                My attachment? It would be described as being a friend

                Boarhog-This quote here tells us the ego involved. Like his mere precsence is why the forum is supported or not?
                you still angry from that time I flamed you in the chat room, hug?

                Boarhog-She is always broke? and DS gets it for free?  hmmm. He must be incredably hansome for a broke p4p girl to give it up for free.
                She gets Compensated by myself, Have had freebies from various girls who do p4p, why is that so hard for you to hear? I'm guessing you failed spelling bee in school.

                Are we all tired Analyzing someone's life now  

                Boarhog-Who in their right mind takes a cat on a moterbike
                that is LOS right?? just like when you see a parent with there todler, baby or dog riding shot gun. the cat was in a paris hilton type bag...
                Butterfly number 1


                • #83
                  No low self esteem here fella & what's with this bald thing, I have a full head of hair thanks.
                  I am more then happy with My size thanks & My looks come to that, just don't & have never thought I was Gods gift to women or LB's.

                  As for grammar, School for Me, was a fecking long time ago & I have been on a building site ever since, grammar has never helped Me design at Electrical installation
                  Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                  • #84
                    If you are implying that I think I'm a gift to women or LB's then you are wrong, I do have the confidence to deal with women here with there western propaganda BS and the other 30+ countries ive been to, even english slappers. Nobody here should judge me without meeting me.
                    Butterfly number 1


                    • #85
                      DS there is nothing wrong with being confident, but there is a big difference between that and arrogant.  Its not a flattering attribute. Your not the first or only guy who has got a freebie here or there. The only difference is all the other people here who have, aren't reminding the forum every chance they get.

                      Boarhog-She is always broke? and DS gets it for free?  hmmm. He must be incredably hansome for a broke p4p girl to give it up for free.

                      DSShe gets Compensated by myself, Have had freebies from various girls who do p4p, why is that so hard for you to hear? I'm guessing you failed spelling bee in school.
                      You later say you are her friend when I asked you about your attachment to her, do you compensate all your lb friends but get p4p gg's for free?  Wouldn't compensating fern make you her customer? I'm just asking.

                      Flamed me in the Chat room?  I seem to recall Nang Faa kicking me out after sticking up for your and your claim of freebies when I called you on it in there.  I was trying to tell you then you bring a lot of these problems with other forum guys on yourself by going on about getting it free and being so hansome.

                      She gets Compensated by myself, Have had freebies from various girls who do p4p, why is that so hard for you to hear? I'm guessing you failed spelling bee in school.
                      I just love this quote.  Yes I hear it all to often, and it makes me sick everytime I read a reference.  What does this have to do with a spelling bee?  Spelling bee's aren't pass or fail, they are class room competition. Surely someone who is attacking others grammer as you did Seamus would be able to differentiate reading from spelling. If your going to use a spelling bee analogy maybe say did you go out of school spelling Bees in the first round or on three letter words like Cat. Pass or fail you can use for classes or drug tests.

                      If your still open to compensating friends, how much will you give me to be your friend?


                      • #86
                        (Drift Spunk @ Jun. 22 2009,08:11) Nobody here should judge me without meeting me.
                        But it's OK for you to Judge Me, by saying I have low self esteem & I'm poorly educated.
                        If you club all My Qualifications together over the year's DS, they come out to a University degree................ so fecking wot, does this make me more intelligent then the Millionaire who cant read or write !
                        Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                        • #87
                          Everyone has positive and negative attributes; I have more positive than negative. Arrogant? I guess a tad. I do not rave on about freebies at all, only the forum clowns with poor wit bring it up. Sure when I pay I'm a customer. Are you a customer to your LB GF after you've hurt her ass? As I recall you get booted from chat for shit stirring. You seem to be in awe that sex can happen with someone without a trade or gift of some kind. As for the spelling bee remark you suck at spelling, a competition can be a failure or successful.

                          Boarhog -If your going to use a spelling bee anology maybe say did you go out of school spelling Bees in the first round or on three letter words like Cat. Pass or fail you can use for classes or drug tests.
                          I only know Analogies, reading what you've written I suggest some English exercises.

                          seamus -But it's OK for you to Judge Me, by saying I have low self esteem
                          If you look back I said "Have you" not that you do. no need to get angry, getting angry is proof of a low IQ, do you think i'm a twat?  
                          Butterfly number 1


                          • #88
                            Wasn't getting angry DS & I'd still buy you a pint, I have no problem with anyone on the forum & most fellow BM's who have met Me in person, think I'm an OK kind of guy.

                            But there you go again, with the low IQ thing. Is this the old Stereo typing of Irish people !

                            I'm sure if We met, I would think you were an OK guy, but you do come across as a twat at times. I am fully aware that things written, don't always come across as they are meant, but you do come across as an "I love Me" kind of a guy.
                            Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                            • #89
                              You are priceless!

                              The subject is Fern and your ego, but your counterpoint is to belittle someones education for some grammatical errors? Please mate, no one is casing you for not using capital letters at begginning of sentences. Do we have to use spell check for you to understand? Everyone else has no problem understanding. Take a look around the forum mate. Plenty of gramatical errors. No one else cares or tries to judge people by an oversight. If you want to be consistant why don't you go sledge them and tell them how smart you are.

                              I do not rave on about freebies at all, only the forum clowns with poor wit bring it up.
                              So did all these clowns with poor wit just conspire and make this up about you? How did we ever get that idea?


                              • #90
                                 too funny.
                                "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                                Jaidee 2009

                                The other white meat

