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  • #16

    Not a newbie at all..

    Have a look at or pattaya addicts or pattaya secrets or pattaya talk under the same User Id.
    I very rarely use this site as I feel there are far better alternatives for ladyboy info for BKK and Pattaya.

    And I have been to both BKK and Pattaya before and I am going again within the next 3 months.

    So get off you high horse and dont judge me. You dont know stuff all about me and dont base your garbage on being a newbie on this site only.

    Awe, aren't we precious. You are still a newbie to this forum joining in January. Glad you found a niche on your Pattaya site's maybe its cool to brag about the numbers and emails you have over there. I hope they are more impressed by you having Kikky's number on those boards. Will give her number over there? Who's on there high horse?


    • #17
      What can I say.

       I think this website is shit and has very little to offer.

       And just because ladys the class  of Kikky would not be slightly intersted in you doesnt mean you take frustrations out on others.

      Maybe you can stick to the ugly as fuck Ladyboys that hang out the back of some of the Soi 6 establishments in the alley ways...

      I hear they love fat fuck 65 year olds


      • #18

        I don't know whats more funny your last post or your threatening PM to me saying you want to meet in Pattaya to kick my ass and my fag friends and ladyboys.

        If this site has so little to offer a guy of your intelligence then maybe its best you go back to your cave and alphabatise all your phone numbers. Congrats on having Kikkys number mate, We'll always remember as the guy who had Kikkys number.

        Mate you may want to read the thread again, but I never wanted Kikkys number. I have never asked a bm for a number although some have given numbers to me. I prefer to go out and find them myself, that way they can see if I'm old and fat for themselves.

        Good luck with your issues mate, hope they have someone on that Patts board who can help you with that manic depression.


        • #19
          (Boarhog @ May 10 2009,09:56)      Priceless.

          I don't know whats more funny your last post or your threatening PM to me saying you want to meet in Pattaya to kick my ass and my fag friends and ladyboys.

          If this site has so little to offer a guy of your intelligence then maybe its best you go back to your cave and alphabatise all your phone numbers. Congrats on having Kikkys number mate, We'll always remember as the guy who had Kikkys number.  

          Mate you may want to read the thread again, but I never wanted Kikkys number. I have never asked a bm for a number although some have given numbers to me.  I prefer to go out and find them myself, that way they can see if I'm old and fat for themselves.

          Good luck with your issues mate, hope they have someone on that Patts board who can help you with that manic depression.
          All the best to you...

          And i didnt get Kikky number from somebody on this board.

          i got it when I spent time with her a few weeks ago fool

          So you can kiss my arse

          You could never get a chick of that class to go with you. Not for all the money you had..


          • #20
            Hey Big Yuley,

            Get off the roids wanker.

            She is a whore for christ sake. Anyone can get her number, fuck her etc. You seem to be pretty pumped up big fella: PM's threatening bashings, calling people you have NO IDEA about fat cunts, telling everyone how young and hansum you are....

            So WTF are you doing in Patts? Or is it your shitty fucking arrogance that stops you from getting laid at home?

            Have fun on the other forums.


            "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


            • #21
              There is no need for another person to attack Boarhog,

              that's Naang Faa's job...      

              Seriously Big Yuley, having read this thread you need to get a grip mate, where was the provocation for such an outburst?

              Boarhog's sarcasm was not specifically directed at you, to over react the way you did was not called for.

              And to be so upset that you resort to threatening violence, what the hell is going so wrong in your life?

              No-one who lives in Thailand needs worry about violent attacks - it is just so cheap & easy to pay for revenge.

              And some Thais beating up a farang?.... no-one ever sees anything...
              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


              • #22

                Maybe he heard Nang Faa retired so he is auditioning on this thread.

                Along with not directing the sarcasm at him, Sev7en posted her number after questioning big yuley why he would say he had her details but wouldn't give them. He should spend more time reading than reacting. I suspect he had plenty of Ales in him to support this foolish agression.

                Lighten up mate, life is to short to go around threatening to kick guys ass over anything let alone the internet.


                • #23
                  This is turning out to be a kikky ass thread......
                  Lost in Space!


                  • #24
                    (Big Yuley @ May 10 2009,10:10) You could never get a chick of that class to go with you. Not for all the money you had..
                    So money has nothing to do with fucking thai lbs? Have you met driftspunk, you´d get along!
                    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                    Jaidee 2009

                    The other white meat


                    • #25
                      (sev7en @ May 10 2009,04:49)
                      (Big Yuley @ May 10 2009,10:10) You could never get a chick of that class to go with you. Not for all the money you had..
                      So money has nothing to do with fucking thai lbs? Have you met driftspunk, you´d get along!
                      Didn't you know? Some guys, due to their charm, wit and handsomeness get the premier Thai lbs to go with them for no financial renumeration. In fact if you are a right spiffy young fella, the ladyboys will pay you for your company.
                      “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                      ― Henry Ward Beecher

                      "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                      • #26
                        (Lefty @ May 11 2009,06:35) Some guys, due to their charm, wit and handsomeness get the premier Thai lbs to go with them for no financial renumeration. In fact if you are a right spiffy young fella, the ladyboys will pay you for your company.
                        True but i'm feeling unconfortable to take money from other males for sexual services.
                        My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham


                        • #27
                          (PanzerPorn @ May 11 2009,03:52) True but i'm feeling unconfortable to take money from other males for sexual services.
                          I guess you've never worked for a large company where you're getting paid to be screwed up the arse.

                          Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                          "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                          • #28
                            Bring Stogie with his miracle make up case and his trans-forming box full of faggy gears and introduce him to your boss next time!
                            My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham


                            • #29
                              He knows the boss!

                              Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                              "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."

