Not a newbie at all..
Have a look at ladyboyspattaya.com or pattaya addicts or pattaya secrets or pattaya talk under the same User Id.
I very rarely use this site as I feel there are far better alternatives for ladyboy info for BKK and Pattaya.
And I have been to both BKK and Pattaya before and I am going again within the next 3 months.
So get off you high horse and dont judge me. You dont know stuff all about me and dont base your garbage on being a newbie on this site only.
Have a look at ladyboyspattaya.com or pattaya addicts or pattaya secrets or pattaya talk under the same User Id.
I very rarely use this site as I feel there are far better alternatives for ladyboy info for BKK and Pattaya.
And I have been to both BKK and Pattaya before and I am going again within the next 3 months.
So get off you high horse and dont judge me. You dont know stuff all about me and dont base your garbage on being a newbie on this site only.

Awe, aren't we precious. You are still a newbie to this forum joining in January. Glad you found a niche on your Pattaya site's maybe its cool to brag about the numbers and emails you have over there. I hope they are more impressed by you having Kikky's number on those boards. Will give her number over there? Who's on there high horse?
