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PREAM from Cascade

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  • PREAM from Cascade

    do you guys hear anything about Pream? she was working or used to work in Cascade...

    can u post any pictures of her? and stories of your encounter with her?

    she has boyfriend now?

  • #2
    I'm not sure I know her, can you post a picture of her?

    Welcome to the forum shaggy.


    • #3
      (shaggy @ Apr. 08 2009,16:51) she has boyfriend now?
      No honey, no money!!


      • #4
        nope.... she was my friend's ex girlfriend, and he loved her so much. i got so curious about this Pream, but i cannot ask my friend more about her.. so i tried to search but i could'nt find her, so maybe one of you guys was able to meet her before... maybe she was in Cascade, 2-3 years ago. again her name is Pream.


        • #5
          don't know her, sorry
          No honey, no money!!


          • #6
            her name is KAY, but her working name is Pream.


            • #7
              this is her, this Pream
              Attached Files


              • #8
                she works in rochard tower in singapore now, but still goes back to thailand.


                • #9
                  seems like you already know lots about her

                  I'm not sure why you want to know more. You hoping to hook up with her?

                  Not being awkward - I'm genuinely intrigued and more than a little confused that you didn't offer up all this info in the original post (including the pic)
                  No honey, no money!!


                  • #10
                    I think Prem/Gay is doing the 2 months in Singapore/2 in Bangkok routine at the moment.
                    She hasn't gone back to Cascades since mid last year I think, but whether she has a boyfrined of not she is still very much on the market as far as I know, I can PM you her number but by the looks of it you already know more than the rest of us.


                    • #11
                      Looks like he would have got away with it if it hadn't been for you pesky kids .............
                      Attached Files
                      Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                      • #12
                        Go to
                        she advertises there shaggy, phone numbers, when she will be in LOS the lot. Be warned, last time I talked she had been humped and dumped (your friend?) and is on a money making jag right now....
                        So expect a certain cynicism.

                        "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                        • #13
                          Is it possible Shaggy you might me a jealous sponsor of said Pream? Doing the old undecover thing?

                          "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                          • #14
                            that was my initial thought

                            we get a couple a year. Usually first post (with that username anyway) and they start out seeming to know very little about the girl but then appear to know a lot.

                            And they always ask if she has a boyfriend!!!
                            No honey, no money!!


                            • #15
                              odds are good this is the case, after all his friend's name is shaggy too!

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