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Tum, love that nasty girl....

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  • #16
    Hey Foxxee.
    I appreciate the info. I have been in EZy the last couple nights and been in Walking Street abnout that time. Must be some bad luck. No worries though, be keeping plenty busy.


    • #17
      Good on you GradyS.

      For what it is worth she is a very nice person, good hearted and very good fun to go out with.

      If you really feel you need to contact her try and search the Laos ladyboys. There is only about 10 and Tumcha is the only Jessica Rabbit.

      Treat her kind.....

      "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


      • #18
        i think i have got tums number via kahuna
        just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


        • #19
          On ladyboy kiss she add that she is looking for a boyfriend so go for it
          @ Foxxee
          she is a freelance and she know a lot of LB`s all over WS so she visit them all , nice girl with a nice attitude will be for sure on my pop list next time i visit thailand
          for you all that comment on here body she knows what the guy`s like and she have a lot of costumers that like bionic girls like that specialy Italian guy`s are crazy abouth her and she make hard cash with them so she is a very smart girl

          Greetz , Stealth
          *I Am A Certified Fillipino Ladyboy Lover & I Love Elegant And Gothic Crossplay Angels ( Home Of The Braves ) *


          • #20
            Can anyone help me out with her number?

            I've seen her many times in her bar but never talked to her, and now I want to meet her I haven't seen her in a several days

            Any info would be greatly appreciated.
            Back in LOS in February  


            • #21
              (bbb2k2 @ Dec. 07 2009,10:03) Can anyone help me out with her number?

              I've seen her many times in her bar but never talked to her, and now I want to meet her I haven't seen her in a several days

              Any info would be greatly appreciated.  
              She was at her usual bar last night.
              I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


              • #22
                Really? Strange I did not see her, she is pretty easy to spot with that outfit

                Could still use that phone number thou...
                Back in LOS in February  


                • #23
                  6 weeks ago she told me she was going into hospital to get those puppies made bigger!!

                  At first I thought she was joking......but I think she was serious
                  Mister Arse

