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"Perfection" (Sai - Cascades)

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  • "Perfection" (Sai - Cascades)

    It's been a month now since Bestione brought this girl to my attention in the pubes poll in the general section, and ruined my life.  Or derailed it, anyway.  To me, she's perfection.  

    Know her?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    mayby shes had her teeth fixed now ?


    • #3
      Her name is Sai and she works in Cascade actually lives with the famous big cocked Fanta. Lovely girl and worth an interlude for sure. I was with her on 2 separate occasions on my recent trip.


      • #4
        Yup, work Cackade.
        Two words, farangbah.......fem boy.
        "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

        Jaidee 2009

        The other white meat


        • #5
          (sev7en @ Apr. 07 2009,18:27)  Yup, work Cackade.
          Two words, farangbah.......fem boy.
          She has implants now had them for about 3 months so no longer femboy I guess?


          • #6
            Oh, has she!
            Too many other distractions made me not notice that
            Was good to see you again, Ozzie.
            "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

            Jaidee 2009

            The other white meat


            • #7

              7, I almost named the thread "Femboy Perfection," but thought that might inflict some irrelevant or unwanted banter.

              But this, this breast business, is heartbreaking. I'll be there in a couple weeks. I'm sure I'll, um, drag my feet up there and have a gander. But this is most disheartening...

              QUESTION: You think if we got enough of us together, femboy lovers that is, and agreed on the greatest beauties, we could pool enough bread to get them to NOT get boobs...? I'm so deflated...

              Hold me...


              • #8
                Hey, Ozzie, you remember her Cascades number?


                • #9
                  (farangbah @ Apr. 07 2009,19:42) Hey, Ozzie, you remember her Cascades number?
                  You don't need her number, just look for the perfecti one, or do the bolt-ons make her imperfect?


                  • #10
                    Her Femboy stage certainly wasnt working in Nana even when she was as flat as a pancake. Femboys are 18 years old and dont look like ladies.


                    • #11
                      I think Sai looks good with her add-ons. She is a bit wacky, especially after a few drinks ... as I expect Ozzie will confirm.


                      • #12
                        (TTChang @ Apr. 07 2009,22:19)  She is a bit wacky, especially after a few drinks ...
                        OK , you've convinced me , she sounds just my type
                        Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                        • #13
                          Any digital imagery of said add-ons, Gentlemen?


                          • #14
                            Before the bolt-ons were added.

                            I had met Sai on Saturday 28th June and in my TR had written on Page 2, Post #29. Bottom third of Post:

                            Actually I knew exactly who it was that I wanted €“ At Cascades when I was in, there was one extremely sexy femme-boi €“ the only problem was that she had, possibly, the ugliest face in the place, and after taking so long to make a decision, on that night at that hour, I was not going to walk out of Cascades and into my hotel with a flat-chested dog.

                            I crossed the Soi, walked the line in the Nana Coffee Shop Car Park (some of those were old, really old), then I walked 20 yards down the street from the car-park side, crossed over again and walked back towards the Nana Plaza entrance.

                            At the mouth of the entrance, on the far side, I saw the girl I wanted. She looked slightly more attractive, but I recognised her by her piled up, partly braided, hairstyle. I took her hand and told her to come with me.

                            I ascertained that her name was Say; that she was 21; that she was Cascade Number 94 and we agreed a price.

                            We walked into the hotel. As she got into the elevator I noticed a huge tattoo on one shoulder and on one leg €“ I did not remember the girl I was thinking about having any tattoos. Anyway, if this one was no good, I knew that I could always go to find another in an hour.

                            We got to the room and I remembered my manners and asked if she had eaten, she said she had eaten before work and now she only wanted to eat my cock. O.K., good answer.

                            I had no sooner closed and locked the door than she pounced on me. Kissing hard and deeply. I suggested she shower. Then I remembered to take a photo before her clothes came off. One photo and she was removing her skirt, and telling me to hurry up.

                            We stripped each other; I had to get her off her knees as she was ready to eat before we had showered. I let her get into the shower, and then I left the bathroom to put my stuff in the safe; only just closed it, before she was out dripping wet and pulling me into the shower.

                            We soaped each other. She was like wood. She turned me around and soaped my back and then tried to push herself into me. I spun round and told her not that. We washed off the soap, got out, dried. Used the Listerine €“she diluted and spat out €“ and I had always thought they drank it.

                            Onto the bed and although she was small compared to my experience with the Amazonian Gita in Pattaya last March €“ She was really aggressive. She was fucking my mouth within seconds, to the extent that I was gagging. I pushed her down and tried to slow her down with kissing ad caressing.

                            She got astride me and rubbed her cock against mine and immediately gasped, cried out in Thai, and hit me in the forehead, cheeks, shoulder and elbow with a thick wad.

                            But she did not stop €“ she got down on me aggressively €“ whilst I reached for the wet-wipes to clean the stuff off me.

                            She saw the lube by the bed and smeared it on me, and then before I could do anything she held me and went down on it in one, fast, hard, motion. This was the second time a girl had initiated bare-back and the second time I had to withdraw fast in order to wipe down and put on a condom.

                            She never lost her erection; she came, heavily, three times €“ I came once. She was a virtual sex machine €“ She tore a chunk out of the inside of my lower lip during the session. I still hurt 14 hours later.

                            No beauty, not much English, no tits, but a real go-er. At 5.30 a.m. I suggested she went home. She wanted to stay. I said no I needed the sleep.

                            She said she would go if I showered with her. We showered. She came again- the fourth time - again a lot. She again asked to stay. I told her to get dressed and gave her another 500 baht and 100 baht for a taxi. She said she would take the small money for the taxi €“ "just sixty baht ok?" I stuffed the money into her bag.

                            She said, before she went, she wanted to show me her photos on the Ladyboy-Ladyboy web-site. A site I had never seen before. We found the preview page; she was under (I think) April 2008 but there was one, censored, photo leading, she said to forty more.

                            That reminded me that I had been kept so busy I had only taken one photo. I told her that. She said "O.K., I put on new make-up, I undress, you take photos, we have more sex, and I stay all day".

                            I shook my head, we had played the game; she had lost; she knew I was older than her grandfather €“ I used that as the excuse and opened the door and pointed to the elevator.

                            And she left. She said she was going home €“ I think that if she met anyone before she found a taxi she would be ready to go again.
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Day Three - Monday 1st September 2008 - Afternoon - Continued

                              This time, Say's English had improved, slightly, and her enthusiasm for sex had certainly not diminished.

                              She had added a few more tattoos (I hate tattoos €“ I've been told it is a generational thing!).

                              I had decided we would start with a photo session.

                              Say was co-operative up to a point, in so much as she wanted to be kissed ,then she wanted to blow her load (which she did , on her own in about 30 seconds), then she kept trying to unbuckle my belt because she wanted me to f**k her.

                              I gave up on the photography session and stripped off and joined her on the bed. Say managed to get me to cum in her two main orifices and over her back and stomach.

                              To my 4, Say came 6 times. I was drained .

                              Say wanted to continue, but it was 18.15 hours and I needed a shower and had an hour to be at Lucky Lukes.

                              Sexual chemistry is an amazing thing €“ I can't communicate with Say €“ I find her ugly €“ but she is one really wild thing €“ absolutely sex on steroids, yet maintains a delicate, really affectionate attitude €“ a very strange mixture.
                              On my January 2009 Trip I tried calling her but the phone number did not work and I did not have an evening free to go to Nana. On my next trip I will be making every effort to track her down.
                              Attached Files

