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China Ladyboys?

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  • China Ladyboys?


    I am looking for long term relationship with a genuine Chinese ladyboy, I live and work in Shenzhen.

    [email protected]


  • #2
    Good luck Jasper
    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


    • #3
      Sorry, but we only have genuine simulated imitation Chinese ladyboys here...
      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


      • #4
        (kahuna @ Mar. 31 2009,22:07) Sorry, but we only have genuine simulated imitation Chinese ladyboys here...  
        well i have had a few who said they'd: 'have a go at it' if it meant i would look after them

        which is NOT the right answer.


        • #5
          goldenballs, doubtful if there are any Chinese lbs who are members of this forum. This is not exactly a personals site. I have heard there are a growing amount of lbs in China but you need to be able to speak and read Chinese to have a chance with them.

          There are a few Chinese websites that some like to blog on. I can't recall the links now, will post if I can find them again.

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          • #6
            China has a huge general population but not as far as LBs go
            You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


            • #7
              There are more Chinese in and not visiting Filipina escorts, the site was behaving erratically in the past few day but I think there are 4-6 girls there at the moment, one, in Beijing has wicked nipples.
              Dexter Hines


              • #8
                (SamplerDoc @ Apr. 01 2009,09:19) China has a huge general population but not as far as LBs go...
                Over to Boarhog!


                • #9
                  (goldenballs @ Mar. 31 2009,19:16) Hi,

                  I am looking for long term relationship with a genuine Chinese ladyboy, I live and work in Shenzhen.

                  [email protected]

                  It`s not easy to get in contact with ladyboy`s in china or New Half Angels as they are been call
                  But i have contact with different chick`s there through special connection that i have in china
                  I will send you a picture of a sweet angels that live`s there and she can speak a little bit english and she is looking for contact with none asian guy`s.

                  Ladyboy From : Shanghai
                  *I Am A Certified Fillipino Ladyboy Lover & I Love Elegant And Gothic Crossplay Angels ( Home Of The Braves ) *


                  • #10
                    Ladyboy from: Shanghai
                    *I Am A Certified Fillipino Ladyboy Lover & I Love Elegant And Gothic Crossplay Angels ( Home Of The Braves ) *


                    • #11
                      Ladyboy from: Shanghai
                      *I Am A Certified Fillipino Ladyboy Lover & I Love Elegant And Gothic Crossplay Angels ( Home Of The Braves ) *


                      • #12
                        thank you so much stealth - and can i say, you carry on the chinese tradition as being gods most beautiful, i will save these amazing photos.

                        I tried a ladyboy from shenzhen last week [i put an ad in the sex shop], she was nice enough but its not this that i want.

                        I will go to pattaya next week 25th april, and be with an 'average' looking ladyboy and i wont tell her name because ladyboys is not just a sex toy to me, although i have many times had ladyboy as sex toy.

                        But she is not sex toy to me, she is ladyboy [or more accurate a femboy], she has feelings because i hurt her once by leaving her for a bar dancing girl - she came back to my hotel 9 days later to pick up the mobile phone she gave me to contact her. I saw her hurt and it was only 4 days before i came charging back to her to say 'sorry, i made a mistake, it is my birthday today and i leave tomorrow'.
                        she bought me a swift birthday cake and i took a slice in front of 5 cheering ladyboy bargirls - it was the best birthday i ever had.

                        and so i go back next week, and i will never make the same mistake - all my time is with her, and only her - she never asks for money either - some special ladyboy huh?

                        but i came here because i live and work in shenzhen - she has customers every week, i don't. i live in china alone because i wont accept anything else than a long term loving relationship with a ladyboy./

                        thanks for your words baby - i hope you can help.

                        you look absolutely more incredibly beautiful - typical chinese, but your too much trouble for me, send me one a bit less beautiful and i have less trouble and more loyalty!!



                        [email protected]


                        • #13
                          (goldenballs @ Apr. 18 2009,14:37) and so i go back next week, and i will never make the same mistake - all my time is with her, and only her - she never asks for money either - some special ladyboy huh?
                          depends - is she a hooker?

                          for non-p4p girls, this should not be amazing

                          if she is a hooker, how does she support herself if she doesn't get paid? Just wondering
                          No honey, no money!!


                          • #14
                            Well she isn't the most beautiful, but she's beautiful enough for me. And genuine and loving, I think she just leaves pay to discretion really. But I am going to pay her well enough - not for her services, just for her, she's coming to pick me up at the airport and will never stop fussing me from the moment i arrive [nose hairs, fluff on shirt e.t.c....i call her mother sometimes, and she's like that, and i like it too. I like to sleep on her lap, and we have a lovely time together [and i get her sexy boots and undies - she got a pretty big cock but hides it in these blue short things - NO NEED!!!


                            • #15
                              Are Chinese Ladyboys made in "USA" ?

