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Here are phone #s for Jenny and Fanta!

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  • Here are phone #s for Jenny and Fanta!

    hello friends, can someone please help me with the phone number of these 2 ladyboys?

    Fanta -- Cascades

    Jenny -- Guess Bar

    thanks guys

  • #2
    And you intend to call them from your home country in attempt to romance them? Seriously, they don't want love struck farangs calling them unless in Thailand.

    You know where they work, your best strategy is to go to the bars early, and meet them there. If the chemistry is good, they will give you their mobile numbers when you take them out of the bar after paying the barfine.

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    • #3
      In Bangkok I was only 2 days so I will not want to miss even the fanta and jenny.

      I want to call them as I would be on site


      • #4

        Tell the truth , you want to call them up late one night from home while polishing the happy lamp
        Free your mind and your ass will follow .


        • #5
          I sent him pacmans number
          "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

          Jaidee 2009

          The other white meat


          • #6
            Having their number is a waste of time. They won't meet with you unless they know you.

            Just go to the bar and say "hello!' there.

            Sorry to sound a bit negative but facts is facts!


            • #7
              Hi Chris lets keep it simple mate:

              Jenny Star: + 66 890 575 542

              Fanta: +66 890 666 023

              Both numbers work i live in bangkok 20 years and my place is about 2 KM from Nana and i fucked them both last week. Enjoy..


              • #8
                (BIGCOCKBKK @ Feb. 20 2009,12:06) Jenny Star: + 66 890 575 542
                Fanta: +66 890 666 023
                Now that's what it's all about!


                • #9
                  thanx you for number


                  • #10
                    I just wish I'd remembered 1 number (8) last time I was in Cascades
                    I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here

