Any contact info for her would be greatly appreciated. I know she is based out of Hi Boss but to be honest... I find the place a little off-putting. Gonna try it again late Jan... hopefully the PAD won't get in my way this time!
No announcement yet.
(Socrates999 @ Dec. 26 2008,02:10) She was there today, looking great with her short hair style. She's looking healthy. Wonderful eyes, smile, tits and cock.
Hairstyle: choice or gift of the government?
Here Jije is on this page:
Although Jije lives on a razor's edge, I don't want to start any unfounded rumors. However, some logical speculation...
Jije goes from long hair, with extensions, to very short hair, wearing a wig for a bit. Now her hair is about chin length, maybe a bit longer, but cut in that sort of new style/fashion of very short in the back, tapered longer at the front.
Consider how many LBs cut their hair by choice. However, also consider how wild Jije is when it comes to fashion/style choices. Consider how she went from the slightest bit of chunky to skeleton skinny over the last year and that now she is once again the picture of a happy, healthy, vigorous LB."The Ladyboy Collection- start yours today!"