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A ladyboy & woman at the same time?

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  • A ladyboy & woman at the same time?

    A big thanks for the advice given regarding a Top!I had a great evening with a beautiful girl from Cascade the other night. She was fun, chilled and gentle and it was a great experience.
    I'm wanting to experience a ladyboy and and woman at the same time. Any advice? Or stay clears? Any recommendations would be greatly recieved.
    Cheers one and all

  • #2
    First find a LB who wants to do this, she probably has a GG friend who will join the party. You will need to ask lots of LB until you strike pay dirt. Bhat helps a lot in this process.


    • #3
      The short answer is Whitney (or Whitne I am told reliably) from Phuket. She hangs out at... can't remember the name of the bar, but ther are notes on how to find her in the "Lost and Found" forum.

      She has often told me that she wants to do a threesome with a GG, but insists the GG is a westerner, making it a little more difficult. She suggested to me yesterday that we go to Pattaya and go shopping (for a western GG) togther. We tried togther once in Patpong, but the intended target (who was more than keen) was dragged from her pending date with nirvana by her Aussie GF. (and ain't that always the way?)

      See photo of Whitney at Cocktail and Dreams, Phuket.
      Attached Files

      "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


      • #4
        I don't know, but I bet if you open your wallet wide enough, you can get an lb to indulge in any fantasy you have. Most of the pros would slap your ass with a dead mackerel if the price was right.

        I did once see a farang woman take out an lb, so obviously some are willing.


        • #5
          (Torurot @ Sep. 24 2008,18:39) First find a LB who wants to do this, she probably has a GG friend who will join the party.  You will need to ask lots of LB until you strike pay dirt. Bhat helps a lot in this process.
          Good advice

          Use the search function to locate some gurls who are proven performers when it comes to threesomes with girls. This could prove to be a quicker way to make it happen..


          • #6
            Nadia Cascades
            No honey, no money!!

