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Phi - 19 (Cascades) Still around?

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  • Phi - 19 (Cascades) Still around?

    I'm just new on Asian TS. On October 2006 I met in Cascades Bar in Nana Phi( a real gem), 19 years(now 21). She was from the South of Thailand( muslim)Chinese mixte with Saoudi Arabian blood. Taller than the rest of the girls(Mint was there also at that moment).
    She spoke about going to work in London as an escort when she would turn 21 and spoke to attend university in the meantime(humanities). Am I an idiot to believe all this? She also took part in an LB contest inside the country.

    She told me that she had posed for Aian TS but her pictures aren't there. Does someone know more about this girl? Thanks in advance.

    I have no picture, I still work with slides.

  • #2
    Sorry lemontree26, without a photo it is very difficult to help you out. It is quite common for lbs to use multiple names so Phi could have many aliases. The other thing is she may stretched the truth in some of the things she told you about. You can use your slide projector or viewer and use a digital camera to take a photo of that to upload - this may help the id process.

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    • #3
      Phi or fi still works in Nana and I had a great time with her in April and have the video and pics which I must get round to posting


      • #4
        Yes, you must!


        • #5
          I havent seen Phi (Pii?) around in Cascades for a couple of months.   Someone told me she might be working in Singapore.   Didnt think she was #19 though, maybe #49?


          • #6
            This is funnnnnnnnyyy, I was hunting for 19 too and it turned out to be dear leoly

            49 is Vita... im going to hate leaving thailand in 2 weeks
            Jing Jing!!

