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Joy from Obsessions...

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  • Joy from Obsessions...

    do any of my fellow board members have a mobile number for Joy from Obsessions.The next time I am there I would like to pre-book her.

  • #2
    Monkeyman can offer you her mobile. I had her mobile - - I thought but she has recently changed it...

    By the way Joy from Obsession - ADVISE- is not the best f***. She has been sometimes with me when I lived in Thailand... as a gf. Well...

    Well I should not be saying bad things because she looks gorgeous and she is 100% passable... I have managed to put her to the Q-Bar in Bangkok - The NON LADYBOYS BAR - every girl inside is 100% pure pussy


    • #3
      Hi Diablo, nice to hear from you and thanks for the advice regarding Joy.She looks hot but appearances can be deceiving.
      How are you going? The last time I saw you you were with a stunning lb and I believe you were trying to get her into your home Country as a legal partner.
      Did this work out & are you two still together?

      As I wish to pre book any advice on "hot fucks" would be greatfully accepted.I trust your personal appraisal.


      • #4
        Joy is one of the best sex i ever had.
        "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

        Jaidee 2009

        The other white meat


        • #5
          Am looking for her number. I was in Obsessions last night and she showed a real interest in having a 3some with me and my girlfriend, they were both trying to figure out whose tits were bigger but she said she was already spoken for and was barfined within minutes and was gone and I would like to have her as my Halloween Weekend treat.

          If anyone could give me her number, I'd GREATLY appreciate it.

          Thanks and have a GREAT and safe weekend.


          • #6
            recently had the pleasure, after her monster tit job wow.

            she is a lot different than before, someone taught her what to do.

            holy crap, a toe curler now (before a bit average).

            Forgot to get her number though....bueller???

