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  • Bukkake...

    Bukkake that is? Its on the rise in America, seems to be a big thing in Japan but was wondering if they have it in the other typical places like Phillipines, Thailand etc etc. I think it would be neat getting a face full / drink from a troup of LB's Here nthe states those wanting to "donate" pay spome pretty hefty prices.......those looking to receive get to play for free plus a percentage of chits per event which are redeemable for $$$

    Been to a few here in the states, and have on occassion seen a tranny or two partake of the nectar......I played the game a few times, but it leaves very little time to really play the skin flute, or enjoy the fuck or see who is showering you as its non stop action....but it does wonders to eliminate tension buildup

  • #2
    I guess there is always a first time!     and this is definately the first time I have had to answer this question  

    Hello Kathy,

    Yes you can do this in Thailand  -  all you need is the money. That would be to pay the ladyboys to do it to you

    You will not get too many takers in any particular place  so you will need to up the odds  -  I'd suggest you would have more luck in one of the large bars that you can find in Bangkok or Pattaya.

    Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

    "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


    • #3
      Casanova bar has been known to help people out in this regard
      "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


      • #4
        ya, remember that guy from Canada who worked in the middle east and was rich? he'd go into Casa and select 5 or 6 girls and all go back to his room for a circle jerk, not sure if he took it on the chin so to speak but I heard this story from many-a-casa girl over the years.

        remember one thing; ladyboys will ALWAYS tell you they can get off, what else would they say when you ask them; "no, sorry....I can't sperm, so go take one of these other ladyboys I am competing with and I will stay here looking for drink money from some other sap". Whether they really can or not when you get back to the room is always a game however and who knows where they have been that day or night and how many times they have already, etc...

        as RR says you can get anything you want in Thailand for a price, and this wouldn't even be expensive by western standards. In pattaya you could get 10 gay boys or 10 ladyboys to all have a bukkake party and without bar fines it would be about 10,000 baht; but remember that at least 1 or 3 or 4 will not be able to cum and don't forget a lil' thing called HIV or at the very least some other kind of STD.

        I like Bukkake on Video, it's cool..... I even bought one whole DVD in Tokyo once....but no desire to participate on either end of it, I like having sex with one or 2 people max and not a whole roomful of people.
        Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
        -Dennis Miller


        • #5
          Is this enough cum for you?


          • #6
              Its Just a Hunch, but That May be Fake  
            You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


            • #7
              not the one on the right! I have seen videos where the girls look like that and it's oh-too-real

              the one on the left.......maybe
              Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
              -Dennis Miller


              • #8
                I dunno about the one on the right either, as it seems to be some fairly large copioius amounts of cum forming a stream....just too much from a single source IMHO. I can say I have had 19 loads on my face and it did not form any "streams" as such.

                Now, "IF" that those are real, and they finish up the deal as is customary in a lot of places by "consuming" all that can be collected back up in a container and then going for a bottoms up, I am sure those chicks made a fair amount of money......Heck the money is not bad even if you do not consume it, but the money is awesome if you do.....

                Yes, just to satisfy your curiosity, I consumed what I could. Its really harder than you think, but still doable.. Trust me it makes a nice warm, / hot spot in your tummy.

                BTW there is a club in Altlanta (actualy 2 of them) and a super club in Tampa, Fl....all however are by invite or referral....except for the Tampa club which you also have to be a member of to attend the parties they throw.


                • #9
                  every Bukkake video is different of course, but most of the Jap ones follow the same formula and I have seen about 50 of 'em [yes, I DO need help; got any available?]; 100-130 guys squirting on some poor girls face with another girl or some joker off-camera catching it all as it rolls of her face into some type of container. Then at the conclusion the girl either drinks it all or it's poured over her face slowly, creating the mess you see above; it's cool!!

                  sometimes the girls have a horrified look on their faces at the end or start crying and shit, as if they thought the worse was over and no one told 'em they had to actually DRINK the stuff! Oh well, sorry honey; you wanted to be a film star and this is what you get now. Bukkake, by the way, was an ancient ritual performed on girls in small Japanese villages who cheated on their husbands or did some other type of misdeed.

                  Kathy, you a real chick or a ladyboy
                  Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                  -Dennis Miller


                  • #10
                    Real chick .......with a penchant for LB's and sex in general


                    • #11
                      wow, cool....and you like facials..... you live near Boston??
                      Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                      -Dennis Miller


                      • #12
                        In this Jap Movie around 200 guys jerk off on 2 girls in a ring... later the girls wrestle it out in the ring full of cum. What I've noticed is the girls end up looking like glazed donuts and the white cum really doesn't stick after a while ... when another guy would dump his load it would just slide off the girls slippery and glazed bodies.


                        • #13
                          Kathylc, lets see some pics!
                          I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                          • #14
                            wow, cool....and you like facials..... you live near Boston??      

                            Sure whats wrong with a facial......Facials are cool.....I like it all pretty much. I doubt many if any at all (of you fellas) ever swallowed more than one perhaps two loads back to back, but it does wear on your stomach and throat. Been told its due to cums high content of salt and prostatic fluids etc, but much over a shot glass full makes your stomach feel like you swallowed a piece of hot baked potatoe and it laying down there just a burning and irritating. But its oh so good!

                            At room temp most all cum gets like water after a looses its color and viscosity. Its best when fresh, just like any other item. I like it when its like jello, it just stays high and does not flow or run...just a ultra thick wad you almost need a knife to cut.


                            • #15
                              Oh my God!

