Bukkake that is? Its on the rise in America, seems to be a big thing in Japan but was wondering if they have it in the other typical places like Phillipines, Thailand etc etc. I think it would be neat getting a face full / drink from a troup of LB's
Here nthe states those wanting to "donate" pay spome pretty hefty prices.......those looking to receive get to play for free plus a percentage of chits per event which are redeemable for $$$
Been to a few here in the states, and have on occassion seen a tranny or two partake of the nectar......I played the game a few times, but it leaves very little time to really play the skin flute, or enjoy the fuck or see who is showering you as its non stop action....but it does wonders to eliminate tension buildup

Been to a few here in the states, and have on occassion seen a tranny or two partake of the nectar......I played the game a few times, but it leaves very little time to really play the skin flute, or enjoy the fuck or see who is showering you as its non stop action....but it does wonders to eliminate tension buildup
