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Mei Ling Tseu touring Brisbane in August!

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  • Mei Ling Tseu touring Brisbane in August!


    Just wanted to put my hand up and make some noise

    I'm based in Melbourne, Australia, but also touring Brisbane in August 2007. So for those who are in either city, please see my new revamped website:

    I may also consider travel to other parts of Australia as well.


    - Mei Ling

  • #2
    Hi Mei Ling Tseu...

    Damn.. what a body!    

    I'll leave this here for a while but it will eventually get moved to the Contacts forum...

    (Finally - an escort with a nice looking easy to navigate website!)

    (I hope you are thick skinned because our guys might give you some ribbing over prices, etc! $50 for a kiss seems a bit er... steep! What about a peck on the cheek? LOL!)

    Anyway - welcome to our little group and I hope you have some success with your post... It would be nice if you could find some other topics of interest to add your thoughts on to...



    • #3
      Hi Stogie!!

      It's been a while since I posted on this forum. Sorrie Sorrie Sorrie. I've just been so busy with life and things. Damn, being beautiful and getting photos professionally taken requires a lot of effort!

      My previous account also got deleted or something. I got an expiry notice due to lack of activity and couldn't re-activate. No matter, I guess.

      Yeah, I know, my prices are high compared to the rest of Asia. Damn, rice in Australia costs more too! We had this discussion last time too.

      Blame the market for the pricing. You may be interested to know that where I am, I'm competing with FEMALE escorts for attention. How's that for being out of my comfort zone?

      - Mei Ling


      • #4
        My previous account also got deleted or something...
        Er, I don't know anything about that!

        Yep... sorry about that. We delete accounts that are inactive after a while...

        But no matter - you're back now. I know your prices are competitive for where you live, but some sad sack is still gonna post something predictable like... "Save your money and go to Thailand!"

        Actually - if they have just read this they probably won't now!

        Nice pic below...
        Attached Files


        • #5
          (stogie bear @ Jul. 28 2007,21:15) some sad sack is still gonna post something predictable like... "Save your money and go to Thailand!"
          I actually don't have a problem with that. It's a free market, they're welcome to do whichever they deem best.

          Yes, that is a lovely picture. Isn't she gorgeous?

          Do you have any more photos like that, Stogie?


          • #6
            welcome mei ling was going to ask about sydney until i saw the prices phew.$450 for 2 hours ,$1200 for 6 hours. Don't get me wrong here and yes the price of everything is more in sydney than asia, but for $1200 i can get a return ticket to bangkok.and a hotel . yeah yeah i know cheap charlie. i call it the perito principle %80 of the value for %20 of the cost
            good luck im sure you get plenty of admirers,but unfortunatly i wont be one of em( bangkok here i come in late september
            ps What out for those thick skinned blokes on the web sight
            just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


            • #7
              Holly shit batman $800 for two hours, makes Thailand look very very cheap. I could fly to bangkok and back for the prices she charges.



              • #8
                Holly shit batman $800 for two hours, makes Thailand look very very cheap. I could fly to bangkok and back for the prices she charges.

                but some sad sack is still gonna post something predictable like... "Save your money and go to Thailand!" Actually - if they have just read this they probably won't now!
                  I was wrong!  


                • #9

                  meiling...You may as well advertised on Cheap Charlies R Us


                  • #10
                    But, can you get a Thai girl with an Aussie accent? Now that's worth something.
                    Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                    Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                    • #11
                      I'd love to know how these guys do Bangkok on small funds...

                      With flights, hotels, food, girls etc, i seldom get much change from £2k.

                      So having someone as cute as Meiling on your doorstep doesnt seem that bad a value for a weekend break.
                      seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                      • #12

                        Guys Guys - Quality Costs Money OK??

                        4 sure it's cheaper when you're here (aren't I the lucky one??) but there's something insanely appealing about a conversation that involves more than "Daaarling you take care me ........." followed by a moderate (OK - sometimes a great!!) fuck that can make it all worth while (at least until the erection dies away.


                        • #13

                          Predictable but true....many a quality LB's in Bangkok


                          • #14
                            Her rates are fairly reasonable by aussie standards....

                            and she is very cute going by a number of shots on her website~~~

                            Personally i am a tightass

                            As hard as it is, i prefer to abstain and save up for the next tour of LOS

                            Although once a year can be excused....


                            A worthy trip report


                            • #15
                              (meiling @ Jul. 28 2007,03:04) Hi Stogie!!

                              Damn, being beautiful and getting photos professionally taken requires a lot of effort!
                              an attitude not unlike the US hookers....."don't hate me because I'm beautiful".....appears in so many profiles of these girls that I ...........and when you meet them...."where is my gift"?....20 minutes later....."ok you cum yet"? No, I don't cum....I go...I go to LOS/Asia next time
                    ,  you're really a guy?..............  

