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  • You are adorable... I will be in|Bankcock soon and I want to wine and dine you and ask you to marry me


    • Well you better get a plane to cebu then, coz that's where she's at!!
      seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


      • (poppop10 @ Apr. 25 2007,03:01) You are adorable... I will be in|Bankcock soon and I want to wine and dine you and ask you to marry me
        Pfft...she's already taken my good sir. You're too late, mwahahaha! Where do you guys think I've been all this time?

        And I did say I was going to get married didn't i???
        I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


        • Tell all please mr Plug - all your admirers want to know!!!
          seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


          • D.P.... welcome back hope you had a goodtime in the PI, no doubt sampling the delieghts of the local population,..

            You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


            • OK, I'm a bit confused...not unusual.  

              I just read through this whole thread (yes, I'm drawn to the vapid and shallow...I also kept hoping for some nasty pics).  I liked Andrea's more recent pics, and certainly some of her cousins are total stunners.  I also find the blossoming romance between D.P. and Andrea cute, charming, and seemingly serious enough to draw D.P. to the PI and Andrea's lovely side.  Good on ya mate!

              I get the impression that many of the LBs in the PI (at least the girls that have posted here) seem to be looking for serious relationships.  My impression here in Thailand is that most LBs are out to make a living with their LB-ness and have a fairly good time doing it.

              Andrea, PI girls:  Do you think PI  LBs are more into finding a special someone more than pay for play?  Is there much pay for play in the PI?  I know there certainly is lots of pay for play terms of GGs.  

              I'm very new to the LB scene and I'm probably horrendously naive, but I would love to hear your interpretation of LBs in the PI in terms of (gulp) prostitution.  It might also add some meat (no pun, even though a nasty shot or two would be appreciated ) to this thread.

              Girls?   Anybody?  D.P., apparently you just got back from a trip to the PI?  Whatcha think, is Thailand a mercenary aberration of LB-dom or is it the norm?  Are the LBs of the PI girly girls that just want to find their man or they into lascivious acts of depravity like the LBs I've known and cum to love in Thailand?  

              aside: Do I get any points for penning the longest post on this thread?  


              • I think I played Mr Scrooge to this thread once before. Clearly, my tastes are not in tune with a lot of forum members. This cute girl has hijacked a piece of the AsianTS website for months with nothing more than some shots of her, her toothy smile, and some relatives/friends. Give me a break.

                Damn men, there are shots of LB,s with big cocks and tits elsewhere that should be capturing your attention. Let's give this rubbish a rest.

                Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                • Also...Andrea, I love the picture of you by the pool, but what's up with the Venezuela banner? Was this part of a pagent or something?

                  You have a very cute smile in all your pics...sweet.  Nasty is good too though!  
                  Attached Files


                  • (happy @ May 03 2007,02:13) I'm probably horrendously naive
                    I would say, regarding your interpretation of PI girls...that you admission is very true...perhaps you have overlooked the fact that this is a porno site...

                    Most, if not all, the PI girls who post here are Escorts...

                    By any definition, an escort is defined as one who engages in sex acts for hire...

                    And in no way does my statement intend to malign the PI girls...

                    Moreover, I would wager that there are PI girls in PI not in the p4p business, just as there are in LOS...But my guess is that those would not be the girls that post here...

                    In short, they are the same as the Thai girls, but different...


                    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                    • The only ones with fake tits are the serious escorts who spend more time in Singapore and Hong Kong than the PI. So if you like tits on your LB's and are not into femboys then the PI wont be your place. I have recently seen some LB camgirls who were beautiful in the face but the body is all man. For femboy lovers(and I'm not talking hormone tits), this place would be paradise.
                      brock landers


                      • I dunno about that... I agree that there are some pretty girls there, but they are way to hairy for me and I'm not (too) gay... wanna fight about it?

                        I like femboys (too much!) but not many Flippers do it for me.

                        Give me the smooth olive tanned skin of an Issan teenager and stick a pair of knickers on him!


                        • There are some Filipina lbs who have Japanese sponsors from working in the various pubs and newhalf clubs there. These lbs usually go through all the surgery, breast implants, silicone injections for the hips/butt, nose job, cheeks, and hormones, etc, etc.

                          Some of them can be quite lovely if they did not go overboard with the plastic surgery and silicone. Currently the Japanese visa situation is more restrictive so more of these "Japayukis" are not able to work in Japan anymore and are escorting in the Philippines or making rounds of HK/SG and occasionally BKK.

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                          • How do you know all this stuff?


                            • hi eveRyOne,

                              i'M back..hehe! umm i just want to say sorry if i often didn't post any cOmments or opinions! im jUst really busy this summer but now im totally free and ready to be online anytime! hehe

                              I REALLY MISS YOU DP....sorry if i didn't reply you at my ym....hehe soweeee

                              of cOurse i totally miss all of you guys...i miss the chit-chats here even though it hurts sometimes but its ok! hehe

                              i'M bAck gUysz...

                              dUmMyplUg....mwAhHugs! miss dOin' tHAt!


                              • hi hApPy,

                                yep it is part of a pageant...this pictorial is for the photogenic competition! hehe


                                tAke cAre...


