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  • (vangough05 @ Sep. 21 2006,03:58) I am sure a man of your considerable charm and hansumbility will take this as a challenge
    hansumbility? I thought you made that word up, but i guess you didn't because when i looked it up in the direction i saw a picture of myself!
    I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


    • wham bam you got me man.


      • hehe i understand if nobody wants DP to come here to Cebu but all i was doing was just answering to the question of DP!..


        • I don't care what anyone else thinks Andrea. I think you're great and I want to say thanks for answering my questions. I really appreciate you taking time to explain to me about your country and your home, it sounds amazing. I'd really like to visit sometime, and hey, maybe I can come soon! I wouldn't want to miss all the cool things you told me about that go on during the holidays!
          I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


          • You know what dummyplug i really agree with you! just got to be me right? well most of the time i really care of what people say to me but this is ME..this is my own life!. dont be afraid to be the real Y-O-U!

            duMmyplug..thank you for having me here and also all the people who cares for me!

            mwAhhUgs to all.....


            • -------------------andrea; stop writing like a twit!!!!

              Attached Files


              • I thought she was done with that stupid CaPs ON, cAPs off TypING styLe.

                SHIAt, IT's anNoyINg!
                Bring on the bitches!


                • hey im not writing with the caps on......helooooooo!n what are you talking about?


                  • this one for you DP..mWaAhhUgs!
                    Attached Files


                    • (andrea_me @ Oct. 05 2006,08:42) hey im not writing with the caps on......helooooooo!n what are you talking about?
                      Oh ignore him Andrea. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyways...thanks for the pic! I think you look amazing! Where have you been? I haven't seen you on the forums or on Yahoo at all lately. Miss talking with you. Hope to chat again soon!
                      I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                      • Can't you two, LiKe, gO PriVAte or something!!


                        • hi DP, yeah i know! im trying to avoid it! Well i've been busy with my school and stuff and hopefully i could make through all of this...wish me luck DP!. hehe well im just here no problem with that! Ill just keep in touch with the forum ok!



                          • No problem DP..i 'll really keep in touch with the forum...



                            • just messing around..hehe
                              Attached Files


                              • center>Hij Andrea, planning to make a trip to Philippines. How far is it from Manila?And will Yu have time for me? I am a verylonely German Fellow, Photgrapher and Moviestar.Gerard
                                thirtytwoyears,verytall and sportive.Can I rent a Bike in Cebu?
                                And the beach is beautfil? regards G.

