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Whats the most romantic thing you did for a TG/TS?

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  • #76
    (Naang Faa @ Jan. 17 2008,15:37)
    (mesmer @ Jan. 17 2008,09:30) I met an Asian girl in Boston named Nina.
    Who sang this?

    "Lady Nina,I'd love to take you home with me,
     but I love my wife,and i love my family,
     Ive got a good job,responsibilities
     and I need to keep respect from society,
     I know you never act with me,
     I know that your in love with me.
     so how do i compare to the sailors of the ships
     of the night?,was i all right?did you come tonight?
     Lady Nina......"

     send your answers on a postcard to:

       Marillion competition.
       Naang Faa,
       P,O box 73639
       Bangkok 14000

                                                                    Naang Faa
    LOL - how do you come up with this stuff Naang???

    lady nina

    every time I listen to this band I am reminded of Pink Floyd for some reason

    lyrics don't really fit the relationship with "my" Nina.
    got no wife or kids and I took her home to meet my family many times - in fact they liked her more than they like me
    maybe thats the most romantic thing a guy can do for any woman transgendered or genetic - show her that she's the number one priority in his life. a number one priority comes before family,friends or jobs

    anyway, she wasn't ready for  the "straight" life, at least with me and eventually went back to escorting and the "children of the night " scene in general.
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    • #77
      (mesmer @ Jan. 18 2008,00:53) LOL - how do you come up with this stuff Naang???
      Hi Mesmer,
      It wasn't too hard to join the dots...Nina,Escort,
      I love that song and it's a pet name for a friend of mine.

      And your very right-the most romantic thing you can do for
      a girl is to make her feel she's the only one.....
      you know what i mean

      Naang Faa
      Forgot how this forum works  


      • #78
        (Naang Faa @ Jan. 18 2008,01:18)
        (mesmer @ Jan. 18 2008,00:53) LOL - how do you come up with this stuff Naang???
        Hi Mesmer,
                       It wasn't too hard to join the dots...Nina,Escort,
                 I love that song and it's a pet name for a friend of mine.

        And your very right-the most romantic thing you can do for
        a girl is to make her feel she's the only one.....
                                 you know what i mean  

                                                                   Naang Faa
        yup, I do
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        • #79
          (chris9005 @ Jan. 17 2008,23:20) My apologies for offending against your amour propre,  
          donnnnnny. I clearly misunderstood what you wrote in Post 19 ["HOW CAN YOU BE ROMANTIC WITH SOME ONE FROM A BAR  WHO YOU ARE PAYING TO BE WITH YOU."]

          Given that the original post didn't mention bar girls, I think I was sticking to the topic.

          Whatever. At least I have Statuesque's complete and undivided attention, which has made an old man very happy indeed.
          As they say, you are as young as the girls you keep company around with.. *giggles*  

          (or maybe from some girl whos still awake at almost 4am after 2 white wine, 3 long island ice teas and 2 dry martinis) *hick*  

          Still, you do have my undivided and complete attention, mister  

          Anything spent less than mad love is a waste of time


          • #80
            (mesmer @ Jan. 18 2008,00:53) maybe thats the most romantic thing a guy can do for any woman transgendered or genetic - show her that she's the number one priority in his life. a number one priority comes before family,friends or jobs
             Hmmmm, before I retire for the night, mesmer has acquired himself a fan tonight...      

            Anything spent less than mad love is a waste of time


            • #81

              For one of the few times in my life I am almost speechless, except to say thank you - I'm glad you found anything I wrote worth reading.
              how to seduce women star trek on acid


              • #82
                I am a very romantic person.
                I think it is a wasted evening if there is no romantic feeling between me and my partner.
                I KNOW I can tell the differences in how the girl or TS experiences the night with me. and the more romantic it gets. the better.
                To me this is very important
                So the most romantic thing I do is searching for that feeling all the time. It is not ONE act, it is a communication on many levels where BOTH are active on a romantic level. When that is optimal I can do almost anything. Mostly the romantic ACT from me are small things all the time, while eating-shopping-loving---------
                To those who do not experiece this part: "I think you miss the best of love and sex".
                To me this is the greatest thing you CAN experience !!!


                • #83
                  (brave782 @ Jan. 18 2008,00:05) I KNOW I can tell the differences in how the girl or TS experiences the night with me.
                   You sure? They are "great" actresses dont you know  

                  Just out of curiousity How "long" do you spend with these "romantic" types
                  Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                  Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                  • #84
                    The last time I was in Thailand I would have to say the most romantic thing I did with a lovely ladyboy was to acknowledge the fact that she is a real person and not just a piece of meat. While taking a lovely ladyboy out to dinner I ran into a friend from home who is as straight laced as you could ever find and would never consider the possibility of being with a ladyboy. He pointed out the fact that I was with a man and threatened to tell everyone at home about my desire to be with ladyboys. Point in fact I told him that my date for the evening was more of a lady then any girl he had ever been with in his entire life and that he could do anything he desired concerning telling anyone about my sexual orientation. At this point I turned and kiss my date for the evening full on the lips.

                    I then appoligized for the remarks made by my so called friend from home and we continued on our way oblivious to the converation that had taken place. Yes bar worker or not ladyboy or genetic female treating your partner of the evening as a real person is about the most romantic thing you can do. I try to be nice to everyone even people I do not like I always make it a point to acknowledge there existance.

                    Thailand for fun in the sun
                    Enjoy it while you can
                    Times are changing


                    • #85
                      (disqplay @ Jan. 18 2008,13:51) Point in fact I told him that my date for the evening was more of a lady then any girl he had ever been with in his entire life and that he could do anything he desired concerning telling anyone about my sexual orientation. At this point I turned and kiss my date for the evening full on the lips.

                      I knew I would get an answer like this one! I must say I am impressed! Very impresed, even.    

                      A brave act like that shows your strong character.    I hope she showed her appreciaton to you afterwards  


                      Anything spent less than mad love is a waste of time


                      • #86
                        "someone" should do something romantic for me this weekend, hmmm....
                        it's just Suzy, some kinda old CD in Sydney. hey, at least i don't charge u when i spooge your face.


                        • #87

                          Everyday should be romantic for you sweetheart
                          Naang Faa
                          Forgot how this forum works  


                          • #88
                            (Naang Faa @ Jan. 18 2008,16:28)

                                  Everyday should be romantic for you sweetheart
                                                                                                   Naang Faa
                            hahah "someone", u hear that??!!
                            it's just Suzy, some kinda old CD in Sydney. hey, at least i don't charge u when i spooge your face.


                            • #89
                              (disqplay @ Jan. 18 2008,13:51) The last time I was in Thailand I would have to say the most romantic thing I did with a lovely ladyboy was to acknowledge the fact that she is a real person and not just a piece of meat.
                              How big of you.


                              • #90
                                In Thailand on holidays visiting bars - romance is not on the agenda. This thread lends itself either to irony or to people who have relationships rather than professional engagements.

                                I did once send flowers to her office and made all her workmates green with envy and her a very happy miss.

                                Let's face, romance isn't my strong suit.

                                Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time

